Nistune + Wideband 02 GB EOI

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Chrispy, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    go do that then and stop spamming the thread yeah? you care to take over.. :F:

    hey chris please put me down for just teh type 2 board.
    i dont have the time software. i dont know what im changing. (little do i want to stuff the car) so i think i'll let a shop do it.

    kindest regards.
  2. me_ashman

    me_ashman New Member

    ok...nice forum here. I just wanted to know a date when, I pmed the guy and no response at all....I didnt think I was spamming or looking for a shit fight. It just seems like nothing is happening thats all.
  3. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    You PM'd me? :confused:

    Sorry for dragging my arse, I'll put the GB thread up tonight. No widebands, just the Nistune. Wideband GB later on.

    Again sorry for the delay.

    No need to get narky mr zed x, I probably would have said something similar... :eek:
  4. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    GB thread is now up in the GB section. Well I wrote it, waiting for a nice mod to approve it :D

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