how much have you spent on zed since you own it?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Lovic, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    they own us all!...i lied iv spent around 10k on my car since iv ownd it(bought it September last year) i payed 5k for it in knowing the engine was gona need to be replaced but was only one i could aford and was willing to slowly save up to get the engine replaced....haha so much for that i think a few weeks later i went and got a loan :D
  2. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    You mean the Saab 944 right? ;) hehe
  3. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    about $18,000 including purchase of the car in 2004

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Yep, I got mine for a bargain of $38,000.00 when I bought it in 98.
  5. Blacky

    Blacky New Member

    20 grand

    Not including the cost of the car and still nothing to show for it:(
  6. 23BIGA

    23BIGA Still CruZin' +Parts4Sale

    I know how you feel, I stopped adding up after the 1st yr:eek:
  7. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    If you recon its expensive to keep a 300zx. You would have no hope with a 928 S4.

    They are an unbelievably expensive car to rebuild or modify. The engine block cannot be bored due to the internal coatings applied and thinness of the cylinder walls. They are a 1 shot proposition. Once they are dead, you buy a new block.

    You would not beleive the price. There is not a lot of parts around and new bits cost the earth.

    I would LOVE a 928 S4, but the zed is a far cheaper option.
  8. blue32zx

    blue32zx The answer is 42

    too much.

    but it is a passion;)

    at a rough guess over 4 years id say 6 or 7k. have a look in my garage for specs.
  9. kade_744

    kade_744 has largest member

    mates dad has one and had that problem... looked into getting a new block from germany....... you dont even want to know how much :eek::eek::eek:
  10. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Who said that the money was the problem ;)
  11. Yellow_Z32

    Yellow_Z32 Eddie

    What's wrong with yellow?
  12. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    More than I planned to, less than I could have.

    I think mine is one of the less voracious Zeds around. Apart from normal running costs, I've spent about $7K in 5 years, mainly for performance mods (brakes, engine, exhaust, suspension (shocks and adjustable upper suspension arms)), alloy wheels and Caz's seat covers and some paint for a bit of bling, and floor mats and a steering wheel cover for comfort.
    Oh! And a Chili brake master cylinder brace... I'm not sure whether that comes under performance or bling. It's certainly not for comfort :biggrin:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  13. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Rolled up to a Car yard in wangara when I had the 180sx nosing around for a new family car.

    In the show room they had a nice looking 928, V8, black, $14K :eek:

    I started asking questions and said I didn't realise they'd got so cheep

    He glanced over at the 180sx, shining in the sun, and.....(dont forget this is the SALES MAN :eek:) he said

    "Mate, believe me you're better off with the Nissan"

  14. zxtt-1

    zxtt-1 mechanically inept

    Around $35k, which includes two engine rebuilds.
  15. JT

    JT Track Addict

    Mine was good value at $29,000 in May 1999. Was looking to buy one in early 1998 and most were $45k+ then. The only ones under $30k in 99 were auto NA's which were around $20k. I thought I got a bargain and there would be NO WAY they could drop in price much more.:eek:
  16. Vizard

    Vizard Active Member

    ive had my z for about a year...since then ive only spent around 6k or 7k.
  17. ProckyZ89

    ProckyZ89 Senior Member

    lets see.. umm $1300 + 700 + 550 + 180 =2750 or so so far..

    (have about another $7000 to spend till im happy with it :p LOL. (change happy to when it becomes my dream realisation LOL)
  18. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    Over 30k in engine, suspension, brakes, interior, body, paint, etc.
    I just think now what I could have had with that and the initial cost of the Z.
  19. Zcar91

    Zcar91 New Member

    Bah - damn the cost....>>>

    I have been a zed owner since 1995 and I currently have 6 of them in excellent condition plus a spare engine on a stand. I also have more spares and tools than most Nissan service centres. That equates to total expenditure equivalent to a third world nation debt and an annual expenditure that I cannot even think about without getting a headache. However, I am thinking of buying a another zed for Sunday (I have Monday to Saturday covered)....except the next may be a z3 or 350z.

    Yes, I am still happily married (...err....well still married).


    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    Wow that takes commitment, :cool::zlove: Did you buy a 300 new?

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