Are you in for the LONG HAUL?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ugame, Sep 17, 2008.


Are you in Zed ownership for the LONG HAUL?

Poll closed Oct 17, 2008.
  1. No matter how much money she sucks up, shes mine for ever

    102 vote(s)
  2. Fleeting fancy

    17 vote(s)
  1. ugame

    ugame user #1

    again, BS

    ask anyone that knows me and knows how i felt about my 180sx

    it was irrational love.

    thats like saying "you never really love a woman until you bash one into the grave and then raise her from the dead again"

  2. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    Oh realx lol, i wasnt taking a dig at you. Its was just a 300zx pun.

    Upgrading my car is my hobby. I think i enjoy hoting the thing up almost as much driving.
  3. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Again we disagree but i think we always will. I WILL enjoy a well maintained zed and it WILL get driven and much fun had ;)

    but as your story testifies, buy cheep and you dont mind ending up with a project

    As stated i dont know how many fkin times, I paid good money, and ended up with a project

    Respect to the previose owner. From what i read between the lines, and looking through the receipts provided, he brought it and HE too found it was more of a project than expected. And after some big $$$ spent at least making it run, decided to part with it.

    enter my time with the car.

    but like i said.... when you pay for a "clean car" but end up with quite the oposite, it leaves a bitter taste, hence why i hate this car.

    yet even now, the garage door rolls up, and i see her sitting there, and i want to keep it. Its a zed. It looks awsome.

    But its not going to get under my skin this time. Its going.

    If you're into buying bunkies and making them shine, thats awsome and i have great respect for that side of the scene, but I still find your lack of respect for my side of the scene a little narrow minded.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  4. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    If you dont like your car then you dont like your car - no point forcing Z love. Find somthing that will make you happy. Buttt, that usually involves more money. Everything thing cost money, some ppl get diamonds others get gold painted dirt.
  5. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    It was definately not "cheap" as such just cheap for what it was and that is a crazy rare Z and one of the rarest 300ZX's around. Combine the cost of the flight, fuel getting it down, the boat trip back, it was by no means a cheap buy but worth every cent to me. This car would probably be rotting away in some wreckers by now if I didnt save it, instead of looking brand spanking new 10ft away from me.

    I can see your frustration sure, you paid top dollar thinking the car was perfect and it wasn't. Sadly that's the way the cookie crumbles, you could buy one with 50,000kms on the clock in absolute mint condition and the water pump shits itself randomly, it overheats and melts the shit out of everything. These things happen, it's an old car.

    Maybe I find it hard to show respect when I see a Z in need of some lovin' being kicked the curb for someone else to deal with or more likely sold then whored out for parts never to see the road again. It's completely your choice no doubt, but what if you buy another one and something goes wrong like I mentioned above? Going to rage quit and sell it again and find a car that just runs perfectly forever?

    You know what you need? A brand new car with a warranty! :)
  6. ugame

    ugame user #1

    and that is pretty much what i WILL be getting next year.

    Keep the sExcel for the work bunky and buy the family a nie near new Mazda 3 and enjoy a year or 2 of relaxed motoring

    and then revisit the HPI scene when im ready.

    and yes, i accept it could happen to a well cared for car of ANY type (not just Z32). i totally accept that. What I guess i am saying is missing between me and THIS car, is the spark between car and owner.

    I just dont feel it.
    I felt it BIG TIME between me and the 180sx i had. It wasn't a better car.... but something sparked and the "relationship" worked.

    Even now, the biggest photo on my wall is off the 180sx. It dwarfs any photos of our wedding, kids, scenery......

    If i had that spark with this Z32, I would be selling body parts to keep her on the road.
  7. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Well if that's how you feel man, no point in fighting that shit. I still dont see how you'll get that connection with a mint example or one with everything already done to it. When you bring them back from the dead it's like your baby then. I'll never sell mine, I'll either wrap it around a tree one day or die with it still parked in my garage! lol
  8. cherryZ

    cherryZ Truth Addict

    All these committed Zed lovers.... aren't any of you curious?:p

    There are so many other cars that I'd like to own and enjoy over my motoring life that I cannot bring myself to commit to the Zed. In no particular order (with the exception of the 911 being on top).

    1) Some derivation of the 911.
    2) Lotus Elise
    3) Mazda MX-5
    4) Porsche 356 (A or B) or failing that a VW Karmann Ghia coupe
    5) Renault Clio Sport
    6) E30 M3
    7) Peugeot 205 GTI
    8) Mitsubishi Evo
    9) E49 Charger
    10) VW Golf/Polo TDI :)o).

    And these are but a few. Perhaps if I worked as a motoring journalist my curiosity would be abated and I could find a spot in my garage for a long term Zed project... but I'm 21 and just beginning to explore my automotive freedom. Call me a car slut if you must but that's how I feel and I don't believe I'm alone.

    So I won't hold it against anyone to leave the Zed scene, for greener pastures or otherwise... Zed's will always hold a special place in my mind, and I'll defend them as fiercely as the next Zedder but now my interests lie elsewhere.
  9. malzx

    malzx malzx

    sienna is mine forever. :)

    i've thought about selling, no other car could satisfy me though

    maybe a jetpack but thats still a fair bit away

    give it 20 years and there won't be many fairlady tt's around

    i reckon they'll be quite sought after...that is if oil does not run out.

    but they do have really nice seats :rolleyes:
  10. bluecube

    bluecube Senior member

    This thread is quite amusing.
    The committment is inspiring but it would be interesting to see in 5 years time how many ppl still have their same Z in their garage.

    Don't get me wrong - I love my Z and I spend heaps of time and money on it, but in the end its just a car.

    I'll keep my Z for another couple of years or so but eventually it has to be replaced. I'll get something newer to fill the void. The car obsession will continue but just with a new vehicle.

    Personally I'd rather drive a new sports car than an old one.
  11. ZYTRAM

    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    Top post mate, agree 100% :zlove:

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