The Waynoz Thread!!

Discussion in 'Member's Garage' started by waynoz, Nov 3, 2011.


Power estimate after TT conversion

  1. Shut Yo Face!

  2. 250 - 300rwkw

  3. 300-350rwkw

  4. 350-400rwkw

  5. 400+rwkw

  6. over 9000rwkw

  1. 3clipse

    3clipse #TEAMROB


    Did you spray it with out blocking the throttle bodies?
  2. kawasakirider

    kawasakirider New Member

    It's all about the attention to detail, man. Who cares if you can't see the butterflies? They have to be painted as well. Doesn't matter if they jam up, only matters that the job's done right.

    You should see the intricate sharpie graff' on the piston crowns.
  3. waynoz

    waynoz New Member

    sharpie graff??? o0

    they coped a bit of overspray, yeah, but i didnt give a crap. it doesnt hit the butterfly and that paint will either stay there and not make an ounce of difference, or it will eventually ware away.

    News is, its running again, better than before, but still down on no.1.

    all i can assume is apart from the injectors, the only thing that is different to a fortnight ago is that paint in the throttle bodies, so I think it might be about +5? Hp just by the additional overspray?

    if anyone has the conzult software they could send me I'd really appreciate it, I have the cable, just need to get my hands on a copy of the software itself.


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