Ztoy's next project. (pic heavy)

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ztoy, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

    As many have seen I have put flares on my car Im not too happy with them as the shape doesnt suit the lines of the zed.


    Make my own.

    Well that was the original idea anyway. I started making the flares and I started seeing lines that needed to be followed through and continued onto the rest of the kit so this project has become a "widebody" kit.

    The styling I was going for was early DTM ish but just recently I have seen the
    CLK63 AMG and I love the lines on the flares/skirts of this car and that is now the muse for this kit.


    Project so far has just been the development of the flares as I need to get them done first before I start making the skirts and the addons for the front and rear bumper.

    Development so far.

    Guards marked for modification.

    Guards cut

    Guards welded and excess trimmed.

    Rear flare wooden frame.

    Bogged and smoothed.

    Front Flare wooden frame

    Bogged and smoothed.

    These frames will become the plugs for molds, I will then make fiberglass ones to go on the car. ( I have to drive it while all this is happening) then I will get stuck into the skirts and F+R bumpers.

  2. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    So cool, shame you just got your respray :(
  3. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    nice hips :D
  4. scottyoz1962

    scottyoz1962 Active Member

    Zee you just made me cry,,, i love your car and too see what your doing too it, made me cry. Yes i appreciate what your trying too achieve BUT WHY WRECK YOUR BABY ? man i would have gone and bought a rolling shell wreck and played with that for mods and ideas, because what happens if your " mods" don't look right, you've trashed a perfectly good car and have too start over again. And yes the idea looks good and i hope and pray too all the ZED gods it works first time.
  5. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

    Ah, whats a bit more paint? :p
  6. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Gees man, your an innovator.
    You definitely think outside the box
  7. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

    Because boys and the weak play around with photoshop and CGI (arashi), Real men bite the bullet and put it all on the line. There is no ctrl-z on these mods.

    If you do it, you better be man enough to think outside the box and be prepared to do it right.!!!

    BTW. This isnt the only widebody im doing this year. There is another very different one on its way.
  8. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    Guards cut


    I mean... I'm sure it will look awesome once finished!
  9. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    .... or google images because its been done before.

    Im not too impressed for these changes.
  10. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    there you go, Al ... you're stuffed ... the master has spoken ... !!!!!

    .. the cost of using THAT NAME !!!!
  11. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    The king of trolls has spoken in this thread.

    your not impressed? I think your jealous that Al has actually got off his toosch and done something more than you will ever do.
  12. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    FRYSIE ..... Do not feed the troll .. !!!!
  13. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

    oh wow, you can use google :O

    I have seen those pics and what im doing will look nothing like that. As was stated im making skirts as well as adons for the bumpers not just flares as in the pic.

    Not impressed huh, well, You seem to think your an authority on auto styling. What have you done that gives you a position to judge??? How about you stop playing computer cars and start doing something worthwhile.

    Those designs of yours while are fine in the digital realm have no bearing on what can actually be done to a car in REALITY. Reality, heard of it? Its where REAL things happen. At the end of this there will be a real kit on a real car.

    When you stop dreaming of been a car designer and playing with Papier-mâché and actually do something measurable, then your opinion may actually be worth something.
  14. discus177

    discus177 New Member

    I'm loving it Z toy, I'm interested to see the final outcome! :)
  15. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Does this mean we could see production of a mould for these, and more products on the Z market? Or have you given up producing for the public and this is just a one off thing?
  16. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

    This one is more about me. Im building a kit for myself BUT there will be molds for this kit, Im not planning on going into production so im making thin molds (wont get many pulls out of them) If someone was interested I can make a few more.
  17. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    I'm sorry ztoy, but your design does not look terribly exciting. A bit like my RX8, nice but nothing much to write home about.

    You just love to bag Arashi don't you. Like you, he also has visions but at least he is humble.

  18. dedzed

    dedzed Member

    half finished stuff never does Stef.
    I am sure it will look great once completed as did the rest of his stuff.

    Also ,as previously stated by black baz "don't feed the troll"
  19. Hermit

    Hermit Member

    We're thinking of the same guy, right???
  20. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    arashi, learn a reputable program - make a kit design in CAD to the real dimensions of the car (like rocketbunny would - you know, someone in the industry) and then I think people will respect you a bit more.


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