Are you running stock or modified intercooler pipes? Did you get a CD with your eboost? Should have everything you need to know on it
Thanks for clarifying. Stock piping. No CD, got it second hand. Just had a look, plenty of install manuals online, cheers. I remember reading something ages ago, that the lines to the solenoid should be the same length, correct?
What you want to do is run a line from the solenoid to a T piece, and then run lines of equal length to each of the actuators. On your hard pipes (the ones either side of the radiator) that feed the throttle bodies there are nipples that in the stock setup are used to run to the factory boost control solenoids. Run these to a T piece (again use vac lines of equal length) and then run from the solenoid to the boost control solenoid.
Awesome, very well explained, thanks. I've already got equal length lines off each actuator to a T. Would the best bet be to run the two lines to the T as short as possible and run the main line to the actuator as long as it needs to be? Obviously this is all new to me haha.
Hmm good question? I think most important thing is to keep them the same, and I guess everything as short as possible? Suppose in theory there's going to be some loss of pressure when it T's but man the difference would probably be immeasurable. Ask chrispy -may as well exploit a fluid engineer when you can
No dramas, I'm sure there's no difference. Planning to run the solenoid inside the cabin, will make sure it's T'd off before then. Thanks!
No worries man, odd to run it in the cabin? Beauty of the EBC is having electronic stuff in the cockpit and engine stuff in the engine bay?
Don't want the popo to see it, it's only two vac lines anyway, not like it's some old mechanical guage
Mines under my brake master. Can't sop it if you tried. But it's got blue lines running to it so it's a bit obvious. But then again I replaced all my vaccum lines with blue lines anyway.
I'm sure there's a meme in this somewhere "I don't always hide my boost control solenoid from the cops, but when I do I fit a dirty big intercooler"
So, I'm still here... Been ages since I've even attempted to work on the Zed, had my hands full with my R31 getting it ready for a drift event, where it happily baked third all day until it decided that having a bottom end in working order was lame, so it started knocking... In any case, driving a boosted car around all weekend got me keen to finish this off. Picked up these bars from Ryan, which can be found here. These are probably the only genuine Secret Sports Seat Rail bars that are in the country. Didn't buy them cause I thought they'd do an awful lot in terms of rigidity, I got them because they're somewhat rare. They also came in metallic blue, so that needed to go. Now they're just sitting around, waiting to be powercoated Bypassed the auto inhibitor switch which is located in the drivers side guard, behind the guard liner, obviously. There is a large blue relay with two plugs, the plug with the two large wires needs to be bridged together and the other plug just needs to be pulled out. Lucky for me, Cam gave me a wire for the bypass with lugs on the end that he used for his short lived manual conversion, so it was a simple job for me. After that, I put some fresh fuel in it and she started up straight away. Decided to take it down the street and it wouldn't go past 2k RPM. Just before it got to 2k it would just cut out completely, no spluttering or anything, just cut out. Car didn't stall during this. AFM plug is in, I don't think O2's give this symptom, so what could it be? The zed has no tune for those of you chiming in, but I doubt this would make it just cut out like that.
It's like the spark just cuts out? PTU related? Have you bypassed the P/N switch? You'd be running 20degs timing on idle. No biggy, but it can help with getting your timing set in. Or are you using a manual ECU?
it will be nothing man , just need to run it a little , it can and does happen that they dont want to rev its all new under there ecu , engine , engine it tight as as well, plus its been sitting there for ages. , all good ill come past latter and have a look at it . latter on today