
Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by pexzed, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    Same shit different year. Good post. Seconded.
  2. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    pex ... i am absolutely disgusted that PAUL has launched

    into you ... i have deliberately stayed out of the STS V the WORLD argument .. UNTIL NOW ...!!!!!

    PEX has to be one of the nicest, softest, most contributing members on this forum ... AND .. as for PAUL ...??? .. let us get it right ... PAUL has not contributed ONE BLOODY THING to this forum ... but yes, he has used it SOLELY to sell his stuff solely to his own advantage ... PAUL at tech day ??? (NO !!!) .. PAUL at a cruise (NO ... despite the fact that we stopped at his then village ..!!!) .. PAUL donating anything to special days (NO ...!!!)...

    as for PAUL'S products ... ??? .. yes, i did buy from him until i received the worst quality product i have ever purchased .. from anywhere, including ALDI !!! ... the absolute rubbish door sills .... even crazy clark's would have been ashamed to post them out ....!!!!

    SO .. back to topic ... FLEET did a great job setting up OZ300 at a time when it was needed .. and it has served it's purpose, particularly in the motor sports area .. well done, pete ...

    AND i am will my old fighting mate, the magic, LLOYD ... yep, tiger .. i got through OZ300 without a ban/infringo .. but mate, i am pissed off .. how come i did not score a MOD role for my donation ... clearly 1s 6p just was not enough .... and just loved your humorous post ... top stuff .... lol....!!!

  3. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Whoah!! And uncle Baz takes a bow as Turtle applaudes in the background.....
    I agree :)
  4. Hyper101

    Hyper101 Well-Known Member

    I taught him well :cool::biggrin:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  5. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    lol sorry about you not scoring a mod role on oz300zx Baz.

    look on the bright side, we all think you'd make a great top gear host :)
  6. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    top stuff, pete ... have been madly practising for my

    audition on saturday night ... "so you think you can hit TOP GEAR" .. lol... :biggrin:

    up coming topics:

    how to engage reverse at 100kph ...

    how to crunch gears in your auto ...

    rice is nice but bling is better ...

    k-mart special .. make your own battery box ....

    using chardonnay to beat the breath test ...


  7. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    he he you're a crack up Baz!
  8. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    turtle rollin back n forth on her shell with laughter....
    Hehehehehe, ah gees Baz...
  9. blueraven

    blueraven Active Member

    Ok, well at the very least keep oz300zx registered and point it here. I still don't like the idea of this site being 'the only' Aussie Zed forum, but i'd hate for oz300zx to be one of those domain parked pages trying to sell you things.

    The same thing happened to my old personal site when registration lapsed. I mean, ffs.

    OR - Pete could use it to sell AMEC goods... and sell OZ300zx Racing shirts :zlove::zlove:
  10. Vizard

    Vizard Active Member

    reading page 2 and 3 of this thread made me laugh :D
  11. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Hi Stu,

    I gave you some serious answers to your queries, and I also used more smilies than you, so how could you think I misunderstood your intent?:zlove::biggrin::biggrin::banned::zlove:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  12. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Don't preach to me about who or what subjects I can comment upon(if you look at the post from Pex, you will see I am "on topic" with his comments).

    Just go back to cuddling your mate at STS(or are you the one sending the nastygrams on his behalf?).

    As I have already stated, a number of people have received some very offensive PM's or email, not to mention the insults that Paul hurled about on this site(and when he fouled his nest, be took off to parts unknown, of his own volition).

    NONE of these people deserved this sort of garbage, nor did they instigate it, so I don't give a rats tailpipe what you think about it, it's the plain truth(and that's becoming a rare commodity amongst some on here).
  13. 23BIGA

    23BIGA Still CruZin' +Parts4Sale

    I look @ oz300zx.com from time to time but I am on hear daily... Happy:) if you merge happy:) if you don't...:thumbup:
  14. kazza

    kazza New Member

    wow that was a really long bitching session, everyone vented now? lol:p
  15. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    no, none of those people deserved what they got from sts...but this thread isnt about it

    at the end of pexzed post he said, sorry for being off topic, keep it on topic. and here comes old chili...blah blah blah ill use this as an excuse as a member bashing (whether it be sts or not, you can just never help yourself)

    lmao nasty gram???? you think im sending crap on his behalf....bwhaha....get a life Lloyd....

    sit back in your arm chair mate...respect isnt appointed when you hit an certain age, you have to earn it.....

    bit contradicting but sorry for being off topic....end rant

  16. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    Leave it alone.....

    why you ask ???????

    1/ it has tech that is available even when this site goes down.

    2/ It could be a perfect "backup' for this site if things go horridly wrong ( I've seen much larger forums crash after a good hacking has occoured !! ).... is this site that safe ???

    3/ any reason why 'banned members' couldnt be re-directed there..... they could all enjoy the simplisity of their friends ;)

    4/ it was created for a reason that has since died.... what happens if it re-occours...... is another site setup yet again ???


    Its the old saying....... if it aint broke ....... ;)

  17. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    As one of those people who was on the receiving end of that abusive crap, I have every right to comment about it. YOU DON'T!

    P.S. Do I seem as though I'm seeking respect from you?
  18. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    good points kingy...

    lol chili...im not going to even bother.....

    but here you go


  19. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Which is NOT what was happening when OZ300 was born!

    Seriously, the OZ300 venture has helped this forum evolve into what it is today and is therefore part of this forums history. The BIG issue at the time was the number (and location) of the then creators/moderators (All hail, Ben and Pete S!). From that point of view alone, OZ shouldn't be just discarded like an old sock. If we can find a way to incorporate both fora (Petes willing), I think it should be done!
  20. Time Bandit

    Time Bandit New Member

    Vote to keep it

    Visited there a few times, liked the layout
    Also some good info and reads over there.:zlove:

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