my z was impounded lastnight

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 300zx lover, Jul 1, 2007.

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  1. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    I think that's how it works.
    But if someone's stupid enough to keep doing it and get caught two more times after they've already had it impounded once then I think they'd deserve to have their car taken away from them as there's really no other way to stop them.
  2. 300zx lover

    300zx lover THE F@%KEN ARAB

    yer its all gotta be within 3 years. dunno how that works though, like its your property they cant just take it away. if i get a second warning. then im just going to buy a rubish car for like 100bux and do a stand still outside a cop shop.
  3. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    its like a gun mo,it may be your property,but if it is used in conjunction with a crime,bye bye your property,it is now the governments property ;)
  4. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    Did they book you for speeding or losing traction (which they will see as doing a burnout aka hooning)?
  5. 300zx lover

    300zx lover THE F@%KEN ARAB

    thats 4 the court i think
  6. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    mo,you already said in your first post and i quote you "i dragged an s15 last night" thats not exactly losing traction ;) dont worry they have internet access in the jails these days ,so you can still log on lol
  7. 300zx lover

    300zx lover THE F@%KEN ARAB

    yer but it was wet. man i can argue that.
  8. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    true,get a weather print out last night from the net,so you can take that as evidence
  9. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lol haha trust you to ask that....

    but sorry to hear 300zxlover.....its not a good thing to hear out of any zedders mouth
  10. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

  11. mike456

    mike456 New Member

    Be a bit of a bummer they had a read of this hey....:rolleyes: :bash:
  12. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    no,its not admissable as evidence,however 2 cops can say they heard mo say it and as that is "coroborated hear say" it can be entered :eek: so work that one out ,scary eh:eek: :eek: :eek:

    heres me in court,works everytime
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2007
  13. chr1s

    chr1s n/a junkie

    i've been in this racing loosing license thing, im sure many of us have..

    i was against a wrx one night, i had people in my car and so did he, we did what we did, i slowed down and continued to go where i was going until a cop pulled me over, he was harsh as bricks, told me the car was being confiscated, this and that,

    i ended up keeping the car, lost my license on the spot and received a letter to appear in court.

    now my advice, DONT make bullshit up. DONT say it was raining i lost traction this and that, they hear that shit everyday, once you step into the court you'll realise how many people are there for the same thing, my case was ajourned 3 times and all 3 times i was there was all about traffic offenses, the occasional was a 25 year old alcoholic who stabbed or bashed someone.

    if you're 17 you have to remember you're being delt with as an adult.. so you can end up doing community service with the bad boys.

    go in there, ADMIT you're guilty, because cmon, u did want to race him right ?

    tell the magistrate, you were sorry, i was being stupid, i realise the consequences that could had followed if somethign went wrong, all the lives i could of put at risk, my own life, all the social outrage and mourning, police, ambulance, fireworkers stress, this and that. let her know u know u ****** up, majorly - because they don't take speeding lightly in there i tell you.

    i was honest as i could be, luckily she didn't ask me if i was racing because then i would of had to say yes.

    i had two charges against me, speeding - max 2 years, $1070 fine. driving manner dangerous - max 2 years, $2500 fine.

    so imagine what i could of ended up with ? legal aid was saying im facing a possible gaol sentance, but they highly doubted it.

    i ended up with a 12month suspension (carried over from instant loss of license) and a $100 fine.
  14. rollin

    rollin First 9

    legal advice

    before you take th eadvice from anybody here, get legal advice. trust me on this one
  15. chr1s

    chr1s n/a junkie

    and what he said too ^
  16. Zander

    Zander Member

    now that IS good advice. I agree about not making up bullshit too, the courts see it day in, day out, dealing with the cream of society. You will just look like your not taking it seriously - they don't like that. You got caught - enjoy the experience! ;)

    I can't get over people that drive with suspended licenses though. absolute idiocy!!! :(

  17. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Just some questions for you...

    1. Do you realise you are breaking the forum guidelines by using codewords
    2. Is that type of swearing necessary?
    3. Why did you abuse the police for enforcing the law, given that 300zxlover has seemingly admitted to breaking it?
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2007
  18. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    bad luck mate,
    did they clock your speed. did you admit what speed you were going
    2 very important factors in this case.

    my mate got done doing close to 180 on the freeway .. the cops saw him blast by.
    he ended up going 2 court. he hired a professional lawer ended up with loss of license for 12 or so months some big fines but they got the dangerous driving charge dropped. this is because they could not prove what speed he was going. might be time 2 sell the zed and get something wussy.. as you might not be driving for a while
  19. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    excellent, common sense advice, chris ... along

    with legal advice, ... and if you have learned anything at all, i would cease posting what you would do in front of a police station and desist from referring to the charging blue boy as a "cokhead" or whatever .. given your tale, there seems to be only one of those in this exercise.. and it is not the police ...
  20. rollin

    rollin First 9


    calm down old man :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:
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