hows this for a piss off :(

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Tektrader, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    I thought your post was hell funny. I don't see how the joke was missed.
  2. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    That is just sooo annoying. Sorry to hear about it Graham. I once pulled up alongside a mates' car in a carpark, wound down the window and said "G'Day, Bob!" and he promptly opened his door and banged it into mine. Fortunately it was the pax side, which already had a couple of dents, but I still paid out on him for being so bloody careless! He didn't even apologize!

    By the way, I've just got the car back from Frank (F1 Smash Repairs) after repairs to the door following the recent break-in, and guess what . . . the "Dredz" is now all the same colour (except for the hatch), and completely dent-free for the first time in three years. Looks sweet!

    As to hitting women, as mentioned above by some, I abhore violence against anyone, female or male, 'cause they will generally hit back, and I like that even less!
  3. scrawni

    scrawni Still Zedless

    Now I'm not disagreeing with you, you have a sweet looking car and I would be pissed if it happened to my Zed, you put all the time and effort into getting it looking nice and being a car to be proud of and then someone damages it, but my point is you jump to conclusions and you make mistakes.

    The drink driver example is, IMO, going to far to prove a point, I mean if you run my kids over when drunk then I wouldn't put you behind bars i would put you six foot under.

    I guess what I am saying is don't jump to conclusions and know the facts before you act, and certanly don't complain about others lack of respect then do something less respectful.
  4. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    I understand what you mean.

    In this instance, I feel I gave a measured response to the damage to my car. :zlove:

    Going too far, would have been taking an axe to the other car and destroying it.
  5. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    You sound

    extremely pissed off graham. Its lucky you didn't find the culprit (lucky for them) **** knows what may have happened. :eek: I can understand how you must feel though.:bash:
  6. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    Only ever had it happen the one time a couple of years back .......

    I live in a small country town so I guess the "word' got around that my cars arent to be touched at all after the one time my car was 'accidently bumped' by another shopper.

    At the local Safeway ( wollies for you new south welshmen), sittin in the statey waitin for the missus to return. The area I was parked in is one of those areas are just lines on the pavement so being drivers door to drivers door is the norm.


    A black Merc ( fairly new ) pulls in beside me and the woman driver gets out and in doing so bashes the cwrap out of my rear door ( drivers side ).

    I've got the window down so I ask her what the phug she thinks she's doing !
    She looks down her nose at me and then looks at her own cars door which is virtually unmarked, looks at the dent she's put into my 12month old statey and smiles back and says.....
    " Its only a Holden deary, who cares ! "
    She then walked off into the supamarket totally ignoring me yelling at her to get back here and sort it out.

    man I was pithed :mad: X eleventybillion !!

    the missus retuns and has only seen the yelling I had done at this bytch.... then she saw the damaged door !

    My missus promptly stormed back into the supeamarket to confront the bytch Merc driver,
    Meanwhile I got the statey's wheel brace out of the boot and then scratched the word "HOLDEN" into the Merc's bonnet in huge letters, I also scratched into the roof above the drives door the words.....
    "do you care now"
    the scratches were deep and a couple of the letters actually creased the body I was pushing it in that hard !

    The missus returned just as I was replacing the wheel brace back ito the statey's boot, she was steaming mad and swearing about the skanky Merc owner, then she saw the new 'signage' on the Merc

    Nothing further was said, we just got in our car and left.

    2 hours later the local snr sergant ( who happens to be a good mate , Watto, ) rocks up home and wants to have a chat and a look at the stateys door, this is done and the chat happens over a cuppa, half an hour later and we understand that there were no witness's and its our word against hers.....

    The Watto's parting words were
    " It would be a pity if this ever happens again"
    I smiled, & said
    " probably just a one of"

    Watto smiles back and says......
    " No 'probably' about it Kingy"

    Funny thing is no-one ever parks near any of our cars ever since.
    I see the lady Merc owner every now & then, I know she's itchin to have a go at me but the sheer fear of what I might do is probably stopping her from ever saying a word to me.

    Status Quo

  7. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Someone lock this.


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