True but on a formula 1 car that would be important(in fact f1 cars use a v6 single setup) on a sreet/track car it's not going to be all that noticeable as single turbos gave been done with good results, also with the longer runners you lose some of the heat build up in cylinders especially as cylinders 5 and 6 have problems so this will be an advantage
Yeah, nah... You want the highest possible temperature (well prior to the failure of the materials) entering the turbo. 5 & 6 run a little hotter due to plenum and cooling system design more than anything.
At the speed that gas travels, along with the actual amount of heat lost due to radiation, the efficiency losses are at the very worst, purely academic. E
Ehhhhh....... wait a minute.. Im not dissing here (flamesuit ready just in case) but.....Ive built many expansion chambers for my racing superkarts and even using a dropsaw, predetermined angle cuts blah, Im well aware of just how long it takes to make half a dozen cuts or more over the length of chamber, deburr and TIG them back together. The welding alone will take much time and resources just on that one elbow. Secondly, youve unloaded as much gold into that tasty Titanium exhaust system as many into their entire cars alltogether and your actually bothered about saving a couple of dollars for a plain stainless bend over craying a straight pipe to go around 90 degrees?????? Just saying is all. E
This Z is looking awesome. Great work, welds are perfect!!! Will go like a rocket!!! Maybe some exhaust wrap on the Turbos if yr worried about to much heat escaping.
Cheers magic the manifolds turbo exhaust housing and dump pipe will all be zirotec coated which will help alot as well as keeping the engine bay alot cooler
Looking good. My favourite thing about the internet is that you post up something cool you've built, and a bunch of people who've not built anything will tell you how you should have done it lol
Not much of an update but I've done some work on the block Firstly I took all the casting marks and any sharp edges off of the girdle I then opened up the water ways on the block and ran a tap down every thread I also took the casting marks from inside the block and is now all smooth although hard to see in the pics And then finally tig welded the counter weight up on the crank
Not posted for a while been very busy But here's one of the first parts I've made with more coming very soon This is straight from the mould hasn't been cleaned, wet and dry polished or anything it's 3.2kg and still needs to have the centre cut out and trimming around the edges Lots more to come
Wow. I think thered be quite a market here if you could be assed making a few of those!!!! LOL /out! E
There would be alot of interest, but not many that are willing to pay for it 3kg is impressive, your not refitting a glass window?