Victoria Police

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by topher, May 16, 2007.

  1. topher

    topher Banned

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    Well as some of you know i had an incident with my good friends from the Springvale Police station. Cant be bothered to write the story up but a search should bring it up (something like police brutality)

    Anyway was sitting at home when i get a knock on the door from 2 officers telling me i have a summons for court.

    I am being charged with
    2 counts of assaulting a police officer (apparently i kicked both of them)

    2 counts of resisting arrest (how do you resist arrest while being strangled??)

    1 count of indecent language in a public area within the hearing of a passing person (on a highway? :bash: )

    ok so what i would like to know is WTF is the point of them taking me to court without any proof? Wasnt i the one with pictures with a bit of blood on my face and strangle marks around my throat?

    MAN i just love the justice system :rolleyes: :rolleyes: nothing happened to them for assaulting me, not cleaning me up before going into the cell and not taking the cuffs off me while keeping me in the cell. Guess im pretty much screwed as they are gonna take the word of an officer over a 19 year old, but i guess if i take the pictures with me and old man as a witness (was on the phone to me the whole time) and ask them to check the videos of the cell (should be able to see me wearing the cuffs) i might have a slight chance. My only regret on that night is actually NOT hitting both the little faggots because i knew what would happen if i did, yet it happens anyway. :bash: :bash:

    anyway will plead guilty on the naughtyyyyyy language (oops so officers can swear but i cant??)

    and definately not guilty on assaulting and resisting arrest

    Absolute disgrace.
    I know i shouldnt be saying this but i hope to meet these 2 cock suckers out of their uniform one day so i can REALLY assault them
  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

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    I remember there being a case up here in realtion to swearing and it was ruled that the "F" word is now in common use and doesn't count as swearing. Guys got off scott free. As for the rest of it, you got photos and hopefully the court won't see your dad as a "sympathetic witness". If you win, sue there asses!!!
  3. topher

    topher Banned

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    haha id love to sue.. but what could i sue for??? :confused:
    also if i am found guilty what am i looking at? a massive X against my name with some huge fines?? or jail time?? or what??

    even though i think i have a good case of winning (they have no evidence)
  4. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

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    If guilty of assault it will depend. Jail time is not out of the question. :(

    As for the swearing, if you say you were being strangled on the ground, I believe swearing is allowed hehe. If you mean before, if they swore first I believe you can argue they were setting a role for you. Criminal court is all about precedence (past similar cases) and common sense (well meant to be). If you got a kick in while they were assaulting you, could possibly even argue self-defense. Did you end up winning in court against them?

    If you never took them to court before, do it now. Nothing to lose. Assholes.
  5. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

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    Sydney this is wat its come too........

    Thats pretty messed up situation, and for swearing...well the cops were laughing and swearing when i got caught.......0 did i mention this was like 10 cops rocking up and then one nob saying hey u recon we can take those guys on........and being smartass and saying whoz in the shit now........

    Anyways get a lawyer number one. Its worth the money and get all ur evidence. If u want to be really good and nail these guys have a chat to ACA or today being serious now give it a shot and let us know when its going to air.....

    0 and b4 any one comes here to stick up for the cops....yes there are good ones but therez alot of idiots especially the younger ones that get enjoyment out of getting plp bustered and having the power....... Ha true story, on ACA or today tonight they showed how a ex cop saying how her officer boss guy told them to get plp bustered coz the money from infrigements were low....

    anyways good luck.........
  6. topher

    topher Banned

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    i swore before they actually had done anything to me.. they were jsut being generally cocky and i told them to **** off pretty much. havent taken them to court, they are taking ME to court, i think its sometime in august but trying to read my summons and cant seem to find it
  7. henpecked

    henpecked very small member

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    You need to spend some serious money and get yourself an experienced solicitor, One who will spend the time to do the serious groundwork like taking depositions, investigating the possibility of mounting a counter case , formally requesting copies of police statements etc,

    And when you start to hesitate at the possibility of spending 10 Grand, just spend some time thinking about the repercussions of jail time , both to your present life and your future, :eek: :eek: :eek:

    This type of SERIOUS personal risk [ going to court against the police on an assault the police charge without very serious professional help ] is on the VERY short lists of topic that I will not joke about, -- EVER --- NOT EVER -

    get everything together and find an extremely good and VERY experienced solicitor

    and do not post again until you have had very good professional advise on the question of posting anything at all.:bash: .
    Last edited: May 16, 2007
  8. topher

    topher Banned

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    yeah will spend the right amount of money to clear my name. Will then spend that bit extra to take them down and cover all my legal fees. My first guess was that this was a scare tactic so i can drop whatever i have on them and they will drop these 'assault charges'. if they think that is gonna happen they have another thing coming
  9. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

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    Yeah, I was saying take them to court for the original assult they did on you as well. Or go through the anti-corruption commission. They'll take it very seriously.
  10. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

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    thats just screwed up...sorry to hear...i didn't realize you swore at them though.... thought you said 'f*** this' and slammed your bonnet down and then they apparently heard you and turned the car around and came back......from memory...could be mistaken... lol ahahh they have nothing on long as you take those photos and your dad you will be fine...i reckon get yourself a good lawyer and counter sue for unexcused and inappropriate assault....seriously....good luck with it
  11. topher

    topher Banned

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    yeah thats the first time i swore at them, i also swore after i was choked and after receiving a boot to the head.
  12. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

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    mmmm pretty sure your excused from swearing in such a case lol
  13. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

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    Sorry to hear about this Chris. When they turned their car around, did they have a camera facing towards your car? If they have no evidence of you assaulting them (video footage, third party witnesses or medical bills) then I believe you will be able to prove your case and the charges should be thrown out without evidence.
    What happened to the guy you complained to who was the guy incharge of the police station? I thought he was on your side and didn't he say that the 2 officers who assaulted you had a history of this? If so, maybe you could have a chat to him with your lawyer and get him to help you out. It may be difficult to get him to go against his own men, but it's worth a shot...
    Good luck with it all buddy.
  14. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

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    They have proof, eye witness testimony from two police officers...

    The best you can hope for is to plead it out and the judge goes easy on you.
  15. topher

    topher Banned

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    not that they persoanlly had a history of this, the station had a history of doing naughty things :p

    he is apparently on my side, but he couldnt do the investigation as they are officers at his station. But yeah as you suggested will get my solicitor to have a chat with him. will head down there tomorrow and see what happens. After my court case i will take them to court for assaulting me since the ombidsmun hasnt bothered to do anything and will sue for court fees etc.
  16. aK

    aK Banned

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    Firstly make sure you image in court is spec 1 ;)

    Secondly speak elequently and precise using clear language. Do not get emotional and make yourself out to be tempered etc. Be relaxed and so called civilised.

    Thridly tell the story not from a 19year old perspective, but an intellectual citizen who was the victim on the night and was roughened up by two police officers generalising on your looks and maybe the car you drive, rather than a clean record and character statements from employees and teachers etc that you might be able to get.

    Fourthly when you use your evidance do not use it in a childish manner to say for eg: they did this so i did that etc....

    Confess to swearing as you did and point out the exact words you say and let it be up to the judge to tell you if they were wrong choice of words or not given the ridiculous situation you found yourself in. Continouly point out your clean record, respect for the law and the fact that because of the individual actions of this police officers you are now scared when approached by officers for any given reason. You are a intellectual choir boy not rambo, good luck :)
  17. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

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    I hope you nail the bastards!
  18. J4Play

    J4Play New Member

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    shit man, that sux big time. they're some serious charges they're putting up against you, and can cause you issues in the future. ******* wankers.

    i too have had issues with the boys in blue, though no way near that serious. i feel your frustration.
  19. Instamatic

    Instamatic Active Member

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    Whatever you do, DON'T CALL CURRENT AFFAIRS SHOWS! They'll take one look at your email and say "Excellent, another hoon story and this time he's assaulted police officers too! Let's nail the sucker to the wall".

    Anna Coren and Tracy Grimshaw are not to be trusted...
  20. scump

    scump John Dorian

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    wow 300zxt do you like anyone on this site? your always seem so pesimistic and hate-ful to Everyone!

    i say go for it topher, it is a for of scare tactics like that, its bullcrap... had it pulled on me before after being assulted by a 28yo when i was 15... they pressed charges which would be dropped if this was all the be forgotten, i took the easy way out cos my dads mate was a bikey and wanted to get revenge his way:cool:

    hope u kept them photos hey, alot of good advice in here, just remember not to lose your cool, try remain respectable, and you are the victim.

    p.s. if i was you i would also ask stu/mark/ben/rob/someone to delete this post and the last one....

    last thing u want is to have a print out in court of you calling them cock suckers and faggots etc.

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