V8 SUPER-CHARGED Z ! Far---ken-Oath

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ALZ300, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Yep, as with any Z that has done this conversion it's now just a shell with 4 wheels for a big, loud and obnoxious American motor! ;)

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    Have to agree with that.
  3. yeti

    yeti New Member

    V8 is so common

    at the drags, highlights for me were the turbo drag bike and a little RX mazda with massive turbo.
    I could see the rider/driver had to be talented by whoa when they get on the boost theyre in fastforward!

    V8s sooo common i was just so-so about em.

    the Mazda ran 7.4s, good enough to jump about two categories up.
    It sounded like a wood router though haha.
  4. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    they're common in big fords and holdens but that counts for nothing cos they're just loud bricks, a V8 Z is like a poor man's GT40, my fave car but I certainly can't afford one of those.
  5. RedTT

    RedTT New Member

    As good as that sounds, nothing can beat those good ol American BB engines :D ......well apart from those neck snapping rocket/jet powered monsters. :eek:
  6. scrawni

    scrawni Still Zedless

    There has been lots of work gone into that car, and lots of time, he made that plenum himself so its not just a buy it and bolt on job.

    I see the points made about it not being a Zed and agree to most of them but I still wouldn't take anything away from the man, he is doing what most of us would only dream about being able to do.

    Still looks like a Zed to me and stood in a line up of others with the VG engines you wouldn't know the difference.
  7. rollin

    rollin First 9

    lol yeah you wouldnt know the difference untill it blows to doors of all the others!!!!!:D

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