Some pics from the cruise.... the glossy black rim centres enhances the matte body nicely .. although would look better with TE37's
how illegal would it be to tint the headlights and get some mega high wattage HIDs to make up for it?
So what's next for the Stealth Z Matt? Or is this where the story ends You taken her out for a proper photoshoot yet? Cheers, Craig
I'm just putting this out there. I preferred the 2k style front bar on your particular Zed over the Wings West front bar. I think the whole kit flowed better. :sorry:
I see what you mean Benny, but in saying that, I think it would be better to run the rest of the W/W kit for that batmobile look.
+2..........but I know everyone has there own idea of who looks good. Lets face it, people still buy Veilside and think it looks good (sorry Veilside lovers).
Hey Craig, Ive been asking myself the very same question for the past few weeks..whats next!?!? Ill need to redo the hatch and nose panel at some point. I get my opens in 8 days too, so a TT is in order. Just need to find one now (keep an eye out for me ). This is the closest i have to a professional shot lol! Ill be heading up to The Spit this Sunday and i may have a word with the resident boostcruising photographer, see what i can get. The Steallth Zed will never be finished !!! Matt.
Im thinking of holding onto it, unless the absolute perfect zed comes up - an aztec red 2+0 TT manual targa. But i really have no idea hey. Im actually lost. I love the stealth zed, but i need something new.:zlove: Matt
more black. 2 more things do to with the stealth zed are now black. One being my open licence aka blacks. So the green plates are off and it feels great. I can now also starting looking at TTs and exploring the mechanical route. I still haven't completely made up my mind what im going to do yet with the zed yet so im just going with the flow. The other is a set of Rain X Wipers from Brisz My old wipers actually had blue blades and they annoyed the crap out of me. So with those last 2 additions the stealth zed is now a rolling void. Not a smidgen of colour to be seen Matt.
Hey Matt. When I saw your first posts I thought, -what a dumb idea-, but as it's progressed I've changed my opinion. Well done. Now I realise that it's supposed to be a 'Stealth Zed' but do you have any pictures that show what it actually looks like? I'd love to see it in person but that's unlikely. So if you have any clear close up pictures can we all have a look? Cheers, Evan.
Have you had a look at page 21 or 22 mate? I not sure how close you want... granted they are iphone pics
Hey Evan, Iv been hearing that quite a lot lately, the most recent being brisz. He pointed something out too. That i pretty much had no idea what i was getting myself into at the start and the amount of commitment id have to put in. I never once wanted to give up ands i never truly got "stuck" if you know what i mean. The hardest part about getting a picture is actually getting it. Its a giant black void and it messes with the camera. So to counter that i have to take pics in light places where it doesnt look as stealthy. Here is what i mean.... There are a heap of pictures through the thread but here are some of my favorites, unedited of coarse. or even in this early one you can kind of see: These pics are close to what its actually like. The ones where the vinyl appears grey is because theres a lot of light i think If you want a specific picture of something or an angle or anything, im sure i can do it Matt.
Had some mates over today and just had to show em this thread. The amount of time and effort put into this car is amazing. It's really something different, and unique and you look at it and know how much work has gone into making it a reality. Good on ya mate for making something special, putting the time and effort to do it right and go through without giving up. Top Effort!
The bigger the risk the bigger the pay out but also the bigger the fall if it doesn't work out. But i really did have no idea what i was getting into haha. Cheers for the support, im glad you and many others like it. Giving up is neveran option!! Matt :zlove:
In the words of Eminem "Success is my only motherf*&kin' option -failure's not!" Great job mate, congrats on getting your blacks too. I hate I look forward to seeing this in person when i'm up next.
hey matt your tyres by contrast need to be darker lol. If your ever up in bris I am interested to see it up close, crossing fingers for mine to be going soon it may even be on a cruise. I would also like to see what it looks like with a set of rims I have. similar to tektraders. umm with your permission of course. And no not to try to sell the rims to you just curiosity... cheers Eddy