The start of my changes to the formally unnamed zed and now appropriated named, stealth zed. General info: 1993 - Silver - Manual - Targa - NA - 2+0 My plans for this car are well underway now, i have purchased 3m's 180 series vinyl in.....Matte Black! So far i have done a few test pieces here and there, then i moved to the fuel filler piece then the nose panel (see pics). Before After I then did a little square section in between the targa and hatch. It came out nice and im happy with that piece. All pretty girls need a nose job A work in progress So day 1 has been a success. I hope to have the wrapping done in 2 weeks. This method is also advantageous because when i buy new body bits its a couple hours and a little piece of material to get it perfect rather than a spray. So if you dont like matte black or if you dont like car wraps, dont bother telling me..this car is for me and my enjoyment and im sharing it with you guys. If so i hope you can still appreciate the uniqueness Although, all constructive criticism and tips/ideas/thoughts/praise are all welcome. Many thanks, matt.
Do you plan on wrapping the whole hatch in matte black so it looks similar to the Zeds with the hatch painted black? I think it'd look great Very cool, keep up the good work :zlove:
I plan on wrapping the whole car in matte black next will be the targas then the bit above the windshield then the bit above the hatch, then bonnet...then ill removed the spoiler and do the hatch and so on until im finished. matt.
cool idea matt. i like matte black, i painted my nq13 in it. only criticism is after a few days in the weather it looks shit. not sure about how the vinyl with stand the weather, could be good. keep us updated. how much per metre is this btw man?
hey rod Yer, its outdoor lifetime is 7 years, can withstand all weather (minus hail) 12 year interior life and beyond depending on care and use. So overall, my ideal product..nice and cheap and protects my old paint. its is around 25 a meter with a width of 1220mm, i got a pretty sweet deal and a few meters free so i have 23 to do the car..which is more than enough. cheers, matt
wow it's almost like art! Very Unique.. it'll be like a road going version of the Slot Car. How does it weather... UV resistant and all that?
Its fine in the sun, you really only run into problems when you start printing onto it..then it gets abit more complicated. This stuff is meant for company vehicles for advertising purposes. Its also fine in the rain and can be washed if need be with a weak solution. I have seen a properly done matte black car with other little black features and it looks amazing (not a zed). matt.
Here's my run around, short trip car. I was going to do the zed but thought one carbon fibre car is enough. Mind you I get more looks in my laser than I do with my zed. Grrrr.
man matt is soooo hard to wash and keep clean but looks good. only thing im worried about is the bigger panels... small bits are easy to do, larger sheets of vinyl are a slut to work with.. have done it before and in 2 weeks will be doing full wraps on 4 cars lol..
Yea im abit worried about the larger sheets, got any strategies for them? im thinking for bonnet fold the sheet in half and tape it down then work from the middle out. Also what kind of heat is optimum, im still playing around with it..too cold and its not flexible too hot and it tears..hmm. cheers, matt
Going to sit down infront of the fire tonight (to keep me and the product at optimum temperature ) and do the targas. I also tried putting it on the would never know unless it was pointed out. So that got me thinking. If i dont fail and waste a heap of product then im going to have alot spare, i need to keep some for my future front bar/skirts/rear bar but i think ill still have some left. Even if its small little pieces im willing to cut to shape and mail them out to people. matt.
This would be an interesting look for a 95 edition wing or something So this is gonna take a while? we need cruises man!
SOAPY WATER.. when i did the ute with a 3m long sticker it was hell tip 1) DONT DRINK!!! LH side... perfect... RH side after a few stubbies... not so good lol but youtube it and it will show you.. basically you spray on soapy water to the bonnet... then you can put the sheet on fully.. slide it around, get it perfect.. then you push out
Yer, i do have some vinyl/decal experience..but this stuff says specifically to apply dry. I have youtubed a fair bit..those guys make it look so easy! I am doing it by myself though which makes it ..oh about 10 times harder Gotta test drive andymacs new icon: When this is up and running ill be :br: :zlove: matt.
Targa Well its taking alot ...ALOT longer than i thought. Almost 2 hours on the one targa to make it absolutely perfect. pics: [/URL] [/URL] getting there... Complete!, around the 2 hour mark :zlove: Its like night and day. My back is aching like a well worked back should, i think i will save the other for tomorrow. I finally got a time consuming task 1 week out of starting my police studies..perfect. until next time.. matt
Looking perfect. How you finish off the edges? That was my question when you first gave me that full wrap video.
Hey benji edges are fairly simple, flat is the hard part. basically you heat up the material then stretch it over and around whatever edge and press it up underneath then later on when trimming you can cut it nice and neat with a little blade (i have a crafting knife with 5 extra blades haha) but yes, unfortunately all these pics are taken on my iphone so average quality, nothing special..but its next to impossible to see what its really like unless you see it in person. The pics do NO justice :zlove: matt.