[QLD] 90TTZ's Surprise CruiZe!

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Benny_C, May 5, 2008.

  1. weeeeeeeZX

    weeeeeeeZX New Member

    i understand what you mean, he didnt specify, so thus the answer. thanks for clearing that up for me bazza. and im sorry to those who i may have offended by the comment.

    Regards Shaun
  2. weeeeeeeZX

    weeeeeeeZX New Member

    thanks pete noted in my tinny little brain.... :)
  3. weeeeeeeZX

    weeeeeeeZX New Member

    hahahh nice... i like that greg, ill remeber that next time on the cruise. if im allowed to come :'( anymore....
  4. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Of course, see you on the 25th???
  5. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    Lols, not one post that i can see by 90ttz :p

    on another note, when is he supposed to go back to tville? how many people are keen on a cruise when he is back up this way? or you care to answer this one yourself mate?
  6. ultimate kaos

    ultimate kaos New Member

  7. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    Didn't know that not posting was funny:confused:

    Been back home since Saturday 10th. Had to drive back home with a hire car when our baby got a middle ear infection preventing us to fly. It was a bloody long drive with three kids:( Would have posted in this thread earlier but have been flat out moderating awaiting threads in the product review forum.

    All the posts pretty much speak for how the day went. I was absolutely blown away when I saw Z after Z coming up the lane way. My wife and Benny_C kept this surprise going a long time and I nearly caught them out but some very sneaky diversionary tactics preventing blowing the surprise. I was called out to the shed to help my Father in-laws to fix a punctured tyre on the trail bike. Shortly after I arrived I could hear a rumble approaching the house. Initially I thought it must of been a mate of by Brother in-laws with some worked streeter but I soon recognised it was the sound of Z's, and lots of them! I walked around the shed to discover Bigchoofer, Pexzed and then another and another and another:eek: :eek: :eek:

    No need to say I was absolutely flabbergasted, overjoyed to see so many of my valued friends and Z's of course :) I was initially told I would be ridding in the Fleet Mobile until I was introduced to the prototype passenger/camp chair, sure was different:cool: The cruise out to Toowoomba was tops, even the stop at the Greenmount was great as I got a chance to meet some new people. It did seem rather strange being a PSA though, especially K-zed;)

    Big thanks to Benny_C and Pexzed putting such a great day together, you guys are awesome! Still don't know which shocked me more, 19 Z's coming up the lane or being presented the big cheque in hospital:thumbup:
  8. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    haha nice to see, dw i pretty much lol to anything these days :p

    Good to hear, unlucky about the drive, i know what its like, we drove the z back to mackay from gold coast, made the mistake of leaving in peak hour morning traffic....

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