[QLD] 90TTZ's Surprise CruiZe!

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Benny_C, May 5, 2008.

  1. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Well, just got home from our "Secret Squirrel" suprise the shit out of Karl CruiZe. That is after Bigchoofa dropped me off home - long story but basically Good 'ol Benny_C thought it would be smart to degreese the engine bay just before the cruiZe. No surprises there, every electrical connector in my engine bay was then full of water - so no starties :eek:.

    What a turnout! around 20 Vehicles drove up Karls driveway at about 11am this morning. As we drove past him to park, we saw his jaw drop even further and further to the ground. I think he had trouble speaking when we all got out of our cars. Karls wife Jo had a smirk of satisfaction on her face from keeping it a secret from him and making it a true surprise. :D

    Then came the secondary cruiZe into Toowoomba and the only incident that happened was one of the Zeds had a snapped wheel stud which was refitted and made it to Toowoomba on 4 studs no problems.

    Next we meet at Picnic Point Cafe for a Meal, a good chat and a few drinkie-poos. (well I endulged myself a bit because I was the involentary PSA).

    It was a really good fun day and we had a really excellent turnout for a "surprise" cuiZe that was purley organised via PM's. and Wasn't an adventurous cruiZe by any means it was purely to surprise and put a smile on a really valued forum member who's had a bit of bad luck recently. What an awesome family we have on this forum! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    HUGE thanks to Pexzed for secretly organising everyone via Pm's and gathering the masses to get to Karl's in-laws for the surprise. And another HUGE thanks to Karls wife Jo, who has had to endure keeping secrets from her husband (and nearly getting caught!) but keeping everything informed and together for the big day. It payed off perfectly! :cool:

    Bring on the PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :zlove:
  2. SIM300


    Great work people...

    Fantastic idea, look forward to the pics.

    Now Benny, how do you get every connector wet? I degrease my engine, & have never had problems. You don't spray a garden hose in there do ya? :p
  3. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    No comment

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :stupid: :stupid:
  4. MAX

    MAX Ex Zedder

    Fantastic day, the weather was perfect, and Karl is as nice as every one says, a top bloke. He sure deserved his surprise today. Also always great to put faces to names.
  5. Cam

    Cam ****

    Yep excellent day and was very satisfying to see the big smile on Karl's face when we arrive infront of an impressive audience. :) :zlove:
    Featured meal of the day was Eriks??? (Aussie Burger minus the Beetroot) or "Poofter Burger" as Pete called it, as he commenced eating his "Aussie Burger" with a knife and fork LMFAO. :p That was the highlight of my day. I've got some pics and I'll post up soon.
  6. rollin

    rollin First 9

    lmao at poofter burger
  7. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    [QUOTE='[571CKY]Featured meal of the day was Eriks??? (Aussie Burger minus the Beetroot) or "Poofter Burger" as Pete called it, as he commenced eating his "Aussie Burger" with a knife and fork LMFAO. :p [/QUOTE]

    ahha yeah pete......call mine the poofter burger and then you go and eat yours with a knife and fork bwahhaha

    will post up more later....its dinner time :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Awesome Suprise Secret CruiZe

    Another great day made special by stealth ... the look on Karl's face was priceless :zlove:

    I PSA'd with HeavyTrevy for the 450km round trip to Allora (near Warwick), lead-foot Ainsley hot on our tail the whole way ~ no carbon-credits for this husband a wife couple :eek: Thanks for the ride, I enjoyed the chat.

    Top marks to Greg and coconspirators for perfect organisation and WOW what a turn-out! Great to see an almost endless line of Zeds snaking it's way across the landscape.

    Look forward to some funny pics :drool:
  9. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Firstly thank you to all that attended. Apologies from Jetpower (Bob) and Black Baz (Barry), and I think a few others that wanted to attend and either couldn't through work or family commitments.
    had a big meet at Maccas at 8am, left there at 8:40 and arrived at Aratula to catch up with the gold coast crew at 9:30.
    Left for Allora at 9:45, reached the turnoff and no Benny_C to be seen (this was the meet point where we would meet Benny). We then find a place to pull over 20 Cars and ring to find he has disabled his car with kindness :rolleyes: :zlove:, but on his way courtesy of "bigchoofa".

    15 mins or so, Benny turns up and we're off.
    Since Benny left his GPS behind in his Z we made a few wrong turns, :p .
    Got to Karl's in-laws place after a lap or two of the town :D .
    Karl heard the VG's coming and poked his head around the corner of the shed, but as each of the cars went past, the jaw just kept dropping until it nearly fell off :drool: :p :D .
    Stayed for about 30 minutes for a "haveachat", teased someone's alarm system, "You are too close to the vehicle, please step back...............thank you:D"
    Karl tried out the new Fleet accessory armchair directors passenger chair, now available from AMEC :cool: :eek: :p :D.
    Off to Picnic Point we go, one small mishap as mentioned above with a wheel, but we all stopped and waited (out the front of a pub of course) :eek: :p
    Lunch was good, although a bit of a long wait. Pity interstate members couldn't come, as it was a QLD only public holiday today.

    Plenty of police were about too, although we were left alone.

    Joanne expressed her thanks to me again today in regard to how we, as a group of people have swung behind you and your family during this time.
    Karl, in your time on here, you have been 110% selfless and dedicated to both your own car, and others issues/problems, and also very sociable, all in all a very likable chap. Like your family, we are very glad to have you still around, and we would like it to continue that way for many years to come.

    I'll get my pics up shorty, I have some domestic chores to attend to first :rolleyes:

    AND MSG FOR FATE::::::
    Mr Plod was in the exact spot you were targeted in this holiday last year, although we were heading up the] hill this time :D, and we went past at 70 just for a laugh and to be sure :)

    Other important things to come out of discussion today, AMEC apparently pronounced aye-mec, not aaa-mec :D:D:D:p
  10. Cam

    Cam ****

    No Pete ate his with knife and fork. I was the only one out of the burgers who used his aussie hands :cool:
  11. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lol i was talking about pete not you :) you used your hands....and yeah lisa and i used our hands lol....no poofy knife and forks like someone else lol

    so 310km and almost a tank later.....im home :) :( :cool:

    it was great day today. it was great to finally meet karl, top bloke and so down to earth, couldnt think of a nicer man to talk to. cant wait to catch up with you again mate

    pexzed, greg and tammy...good to see you again....very polite and nice people to talk and hang around with

    macman, max....good to meet you.....for some reason i always thought you were 30 something lol but at least now i can put a face to the name

    chripsy, chris, was great to see you and catch up for a chat......had only met you once before and we talked for about 2 mins at greg's tech day lol

    bennyc.....ahah what a laugh you are....always excited and funny no matter what we are talking about....so lively...good to meet you mate

    majicmike.....good to meet you again, and was good to finally meet sticky and put a face to your name

    poofter pete...always good to see you again mate :D

    ill be doing a karl video tribute as soon as i get everyone's photo's....karl is sending me his this week sometime...so guys, post pics :)


    PS: was good that the missus came along.....she seems to be taking more of an interest in my car now which is a plus :)

    PPS: the car didnt miss a beat, was very surprised as i didnt expect it to run so well.
    Last edited: May 5, 2008
  12. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Was a great day, and all the driving was worth it to see the look on Karl's face :p

    That little cafe had nice cakes too :rolleyes:
  13. Cam

    Cam ****

    Very nice cake :D
    Here's some pics. Apologies for the quality, I used my phone.

    Thats a funny lookin' Zed, wonder what model it is :p
    And for those Landscape lovers...
  14. bigchoofa

    bigchoofa Substitute Soul Reaper

    Well, what can i say. A day that was worth every drop of precious fuel just to see the stunned look on Karl's face :p

    My day actually started at picnic point... I arrive there to find it completely devoid of any sign of Z life, so i make the quick call to (recent) local Benny_C

    "The cruise is starting in Allora mate... Gotta learn to read the updated cruise PM's... And i will probably need a lift from you as you swing past my place"

    So off i go, back from picnic point (although i stop at macca's for some breakfast, cos im starvin by this point) and head out to Benny's to cram the poor fella in the back of my Z :p

    So with me, Benny and Emma in my car, we head off past my house down to Allora to meet up with 20 keen Zedders (i made Blackjack of 21 :D)

    After a quick shaking of the hands and some "hi how are ya's" we set off up to Karl's place... after a lap of the Allora township, to show everyone the sights :p

    Anyway, arrived at Karl's house, and boy was he suprised! Like i said, it was worth every drop of fuel to see that look


    The rest of the day is as above, so i dnt think i will bother typing it out again :p

    I will get the pics off Emma and share them around ASAP, cos apparently she took a fair few, so watch this space for some smexy Z's in colour photo's :D

    A huge thanks to Greg and Jo for organising this cruiZe, it was great to catch up with some familiar faces and put some names to new faces/Z's :D I must say i felt pretty priviledged to be the front man (with the guidance of my wingman Benny and charisma of my wingmiss Emma) for the leg of the trip that i participated in. I hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as i did :D
  15. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    well it was a big burger!! he he caught me out on that one :)
  16. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    absolutely brilliant, guys/gals ... well done pex ...!!!!

    .... and to karl and jo .. my most sincere apologies for not being able to make this top initiative .... love ... baz.
  17. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    HaylZ was there too ...

    ... via phone link during lunch. All in all a very happy Zed-Family reunion and testament to the high esteem Karl commands from those priviledged to know him.

    :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove: :zlove:
  18. Cam

    Cam ****

    Just wasn't the same with out ya Baz :p :zlove:
  19. jet power

    jet power New Member

    Sorry I missed this one. Sounds like it was a special!

    Sounds like you nearly sent Karl back to hospital from the shock of it all:D .
    Anyway, to help me get over the depression of missing it Heather and I managed to make a late dash up to Mt Tamborine for lunch at St Bernards today. A poor substitute for a zed cruise (and a poofter burger) I know, but at least my baby stretched her legs:) . The car went pretty good too:eek: .
  20. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel



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