Push button start. Cool

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ZEDZY, May 9, 2009.


Push button starters, Rice?

  1. Yes

    41 vote(s)
  2. No.

    44 vote(s)
  1. aazn

    aazn New Member

    viper alarms are the only ones im aware of that do remote start (the only decent one)

    not cheap.. cost you 1k+ installed..
  2. aazn

    aazn New Member

    put a switch for fuel pump and ignition straight to constant.. and the engine start button will be the starter motor.. (set up like a turbo timer)

    but then you still have the problem with the steering lock..

    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    how about.....Stick your key in the hole that is already, conveniently there.....
    ............then turn it.
  4. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    what a stupid idea
  5. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    2nd :p
  6. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    3rd :p:zlove:
  7. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    but but BUT

    He pushed a button.

    And his car started.

    Whats not to like?
  8. aazn

    aazn New Member

    i just saw today..

    at autobarn there is a racing setup for push button start...

    2 switches, ignition and fuel pump.. once they are flicked.. push the start button (no need for a key) <-- stupid?
  9. directzx

    directzx New Member

  10. rollin

    rollin First 9

    what a shitbox that zed is, cars like that give all of them a bad name
  11. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

  12. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    Something I prepared earlier.

  13. supersonic

    supersonic New Member

    mum's renault laguna has push button start. the "key" is more of a card that you slide in then push the button to start it. but soon as you put the card in everything but the engine turns on, interior lights and all. its a bit of a pain in the arse really.

    i much prefer the click click fire action of the ol skool.


    remote start ftw!
  14. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    I think the idea was adding the start button to a zed, not discussing cars that have it.

    I agree it's cool, but I don't think that making my car non ADR compliant is a good idea.

    If there was some way to replace the existing steering lock with something safe but electrical, (ie so it could be operated without a key), then I would add a proximity sensor or some sort.

    Basically it would have to be like the 370z before I seriously considered it.
  15. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    as far as the steering lock a modified central locking solenoid should be able to take care of this wired in with the remote for an alarm. if done correctly should be able to set it to switch your ignition to on as well waiting for you to hit the start button. set it up with a timer module similar to our approved immobilisers or a turbo timer then it can kill a relay driving the ignition after a preset time so you can access the car but not have the ignition powered. not hard I believe even I could set this up in half a day or so.
  16. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    Not a fan

    Not a fan of that idea, what happens if the solenoid fails or re-engages while you are driving ( :eek:OH F&$K NO STEERING :eek:), Rather a mechanical operated lock,
    Just my 2c worth, Andy :cool:
  17. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    I can see the reasoning here but how many people have had a central locking solenoid fail and lock the door on them while driving. failing while the steering is locked is a possibility but when we consider all the other electrical devices (thinking auto trannies fuel systems/pump controllers ptu's etc) in these cars that would be the least of my worries.
  18. A-Bris-Z

    A-Bris-Z Carcraze

  19. A-Bris-Z

    A-Bris-Z Carcraze

  20. Steven

    Steven Active Member

    In practice works as follows

    In practice works as follows.
    Put key in steering wheel lock, turn to accessories
    instead of cranking the car over with the final turn of the key, you just hit the start button.

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