Power estimation.....

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 5K1TZX, May 17, 2009.

  1. 5K1TZX

    5K1TZX Its all never ending....


    You didnt tell me the "who just recently did the latest Wolf3D course/certificate" part!!! You just said he has done a few wolfs...like everyone has.
  2. SIM300


    No, I told you he had done the latest course & that you should ring him :bash:
    Either way, see how you go... & if need be, you can still call him up. He would probably do a road tune.


    my 555's have room to move at 348kw
    what would I know?:D
    and 2.5 inch exhaust is good for 600hp
  4. heavytrevy

    heavytrevy "Hammer time "

    I would just incase the E85 became redily available, bring on the free horsepower ;)


  5. ltd

    ltd Linux Ninja


    My 555's still had room left at ~350 rwkw.

  6. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    absolutely sweet fck all by that total horseshit you are rambling on about rofl
  7. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Curious as to what supporting mods you had to make the 248rwkw? I have pod and cat back exhaust, my MBC is set to 12psi. I have stock ecu though and wondering?


  8. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    Maybe I'm old fashioned but I wouldn't take any engine that had a top to bottom rebuild a week ago and try to take it to max power. I know "running in" is not so necessary these days with today's engines and oils but I still wouldn't go to the extreme for a few weeks at least, not if it were mine.
  9. SIM300


    Re-read the original post...

  10. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    OOPS! I read the bit about a top to bottom service last week and then the list of mods and put 2 & 2 together and got ......3 Sorrrrrry.
  11. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    500k's would be a good time for the full tune. I think any more is a bit conservative.
  12. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    anythings possible.

    i was on the dyno the other day

    hks 2530s.

    375hp at 12.5 psi !! (low boost )

    didnt have time 2 setup high boost
  13. SIM300


    We'll all have to wait a little longer to see. I was in contact with Ben today, and his car wasn't booked in by mechanic at other workshop (always pays to do it yourself). Think he has to wait 2 weeks.

    P.S. You're so cool Simmo ;):cool::zlove:
  14. 5K1TZX

    5K1TZX Its all never ending....

    Yes gotta wait

    We've raised boost with the installation of the PROFEC B to 11psi from the factory boost...im showing with GTEC and APEXI RSM with G sensor running, 260rwkw consistantly...so without a tune and the installation of the GT28R's UAS manifolds and UAS dumps we've gained about 40rwkw...but thats not on the dyno...

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