How do others describe your Zed?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ugame, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Just thought this will be a fun thread after what a guy from work said today.

    So..... what have non-zedders said about your car, how have they described it, or what hane they called it.

    So i'll start, as this guy said, as I got in my car at the end of the day

    "Shit, she's a fukin knicker dropper"

    LOL awsome description :zlove:
  2. wooly1953

    wooly1953 (EDSZX )

    bit flash

    you must be makin too much money in the shop:eek: :zlove: :zlove:
  3. silver300zx

    silver300zx New Member

    from a few skyline/ commodore owners " looks like a girls car to me "
    most other people say nice things though .Whats with skyline ownrers they think the ultimate sports car is a 2 door family car with a turbo
  4. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    One of the old guys at uni reckons the Z is a bit soft and calls it the Barbie Car :p He drives a Lotus 7 so I guess the Z is pretty soft compared to that...
  5. artin

    artin ...there is no spoon

    ...mine got called a ferrari one time....rather disappointing lol
  6. MikeZ32

    MikeZ32 das Über member

    someone thought it was a ferrari once, he didn't know much about cars but it was still flattering to a degree.

    these days the commonly said thing is 'wow that's low...' or 'oh the low one?'

    generally girls don't know what it is since i don't have nissan badges. so they just all just say the same thing 'this car is so cool'
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2008
  7. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    fck its low and loud :D

    FLEMING Dave

    my little bro calls it wed wocket. lol

    his 4 lol
  9. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    when dub and i were in margs i remember 2 ladies running up to us (we had just parked together center stage on the main street after a very attention seeking drive by hehe) and they said..


    "we are having an arguement... i think its a Ferrari... she thinks its a Lamborghini"

    i think we said something gay like

    "no... its an austin....." hahaha

    but still.. i thought it was a fitting story on how people look at our cars
  10. MikeZ32

    MikeZ32 das Über member

    haha mate, if you had lambo doors they'd really be convinced. so... when's the lambo doors gonna get done? ;)
  11. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    haha i can see this now.... josh ... and DIY lambo doors... :D

    Just jkin, not gonna start that whole crap again lol:p :rolleyes:

    :zlove: :zlove:
  12. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    hey dont look at me, we aren't the ones that said it..

    but i am a big fan of lambo doors... oneday ill get the full kit... hehehe
  13. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    i recon it suits the zed, wish wasnt illegal and not so expensive for the REAL kit....
  14. aK

    aK Banned

    I get "Thats the best 300zx ever" lol

    or, "man 300zx are ugly i hate, but damn this one is so sexcy"

    REZPECT :zlove:
  15. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    they are not illegal :bash: ,but a proper job is expensive,this crap with just bolt on is exactly that, crap
    im thinking about doing it to mine
  16. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    Im pretty sure they are illegal, as in... if you get into an accident and roll the car, your pretty much trapped in... etc..
  17. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Im pretty sure they're not. Looked into it before (unless the laws changed)

    However they are illegal (believe it or not) ON THE TRACK

    Personally I love em.

    Wouldn't suprise me if they made it illegal. They are too much fun. Anything fun must be bad for you and hence illegal or immoral

    Thats why im interested to see whats actually going to be on "Australian Top Gear"

    THIS WEEK: We were going to review the new lambo... but its illegal, so we wont.... anyway, here's a ford
  18. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    no they are not illegal james,you have to get an engineering certificate for them like ademon and a few others have
  19. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    ah k, thats pretty... hektic...

    to stay on topic, went to video ezy today, had a shit load of kids ride/run up to the car and just look at it and couple said, wooooowwwwww... and another asked what it was. said it was a 300... there faces looked confused lol
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2008

    ZDUCTIV Active Member


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