have any aus300zx members been banned today??

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Risk, Dec 25, 2004.

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  1. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    Who would you suggest Shifter?????

    Then wouldnt having a moderator is NSW be bias too?
    I wonder how quick the NSW moderator would delete all posts regarding to UAS if the post was unfair. Bias???? :LOL:

    Who would be the best candidate for NSW? Its sounds like you have all the answers. What about other mods for other states?

    Cause thats being unfair is NSW gets a mod, but other states like WA who dont have one :p

    But really the forum is being run great, just because 2 people got banned, big deal.....life does continue.
    The mods are doing a good job and personally i dont get affected by these arguments, i sleep well at nights.

  2. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    I think Shifter was using NSW as an example.

    I think there should be at mod in every state personally. But as Ben has said, they talked about their reasons for not having more moderators at Gilgandra earlier this year - I don't know what they are, nor do I care much. *shrug*
  3. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Was just using NSW as the example

    as it was in the most recent discussions

    Places in WA such as Precise? in an earlier debate and QLD has also had its share a little while ago. ACT is too small and we do have a moderator here (but more website related than dishing out warnings or bans I believe).

    Doesn't the moderator only have the right to delete posts that breach the guidelines? In the past (and no doubt again in the future), posts that slander and lie about UAS have been allowed, but the current moderators, either aren't on the forum early enough or dont want to involve themselves until its too late. The post I VTD'ed back there was in major breach, but I guess because the slander was aimed at UAS it didn't matter to the mods (well it seems like) because they dont know the place, or dont care. A mod in NSW might just to the trick to either prevent people from taking potshops at the workshops there, or they can delete the posts about the workshops which breach the guidelines' (and only if they are in breach). Same goes for the other states too about their people/workshops.

    Never said I have all the answers. Sorry if I misled you into thinking that I think I do. Perhaps a few of the most active members from each state could raise their hands if they wanted the responsibility, then could take to a forum wide 'sticky' poll. The candidates would have shown in the past that they are well behaved, involve themseleves in their states events etc, participate in the forum by logging on and posting. Knowledgable in their states' zed related workshops. And the vote would have to be an overwhelming majority win to earn the privilage. My idea, i'm sure there are others/better ones.

    A better run forum IMO could have stopped the recent arguments before they were a big problem which would also have prevented the so called 'need' for bans.

    Whatever reasons they had for not having a moderator for each state (granted I dont know what they all were) but seems like its getting out of date now. Like I suggested, a trial at the very least. Dont the current mods trust whoever they would share the 'power' with? Its not like it would be handed to just anyone. I only suggest it so that in future, we have less arguments and flame wars.

    Can we not have moderation levels? Sure the current 2 can be the 'ultimate' mods. But if you shared the ability with a select few to only be able to delete bad posts and warn members etc and handle the emails sent to you, then that should lighten your workload, get rid of posts that breach the guidelines quicker, and you two still have the most power on the forum.

    I invite the mods to tell me why a mod per state would be a BAD idea. Cause seriously, I can only see benefits
  4. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    I would never dissapear forever

    On average I must log in a dozen times a day. 90% of the internets purpose for me is the one address www.aus300zx.com

    This forum has so far been nothing but a positive influence for me and I love the cruises/tech days and friends I've made through it. I'd never miss out on those!

    I used to think this was the ultimate forum. Now i'm not so sure. If things keep going and something isn't done to improve things then i'd just wont be on here as often. (might be a good thing. Work doesn't pay me to read this forum hehe) :))
  5. Kalus

    Kalus Finally dug myself out

    I would imagine that your post will be deleted along with mine :)

    But I wrote mine knowing it would be deleted, and rightly so.

    I also said "You're all a bunch of SOOKS" or something along those lines.

    All just personal opinion :)
  6. Blipman

    Blipman Beer hooves totally work

    Ok I'll take that as a yes to 'shall I go through the reasons again?'.

    Why a moderator for each state would be a bad idea: because the quality of moderation would only go downhill. Why? Because we have to be in contact with each other very frequently to discuss issues on the forum and talk about what choices we are going to make (so there's no maverick moderator making his own decisions when one of the other mods might disagree or have more info about a situation). At present we spend a lot of time talking to each other and discussing decisions. For example with this recent suspension Pete and I talked about this for maybe half an hour? This was a very straight forward decision as we have spent hours discussing it in the past. He then called Simon and talked to him about it, I don't know for how long. Now if several other moderators were involved our hours of conversation about this topic would be MANY hours of conversation (and expensive phone bills) and I'm sure the answer would have been the same. Only have some moderators for some roles? Then only a small number are making decisions and you might as well just have it as we do now, what's the difference? If you have levels where some can delete posts then the same complaints will be made, just against different people. The physical 'moderation' of the site is not so time consuming (the click of a few buttons), it's all the discussion, emails etc that goes on that takes up all our time, and that's why another person on board would only increase our workload, not decrease it.

    We do remove posts if there are VTD's but not enough to remove it, this is why people putting their comments there can sometimes help us make a decision.

    Let's not beat about the bush Shifter, the word 'bias' here I assume is being used in regards to UAS, as UAS is about the only one I know of who has ever talked to me directly about bias and complained about TTZ (their direct competitor) as they make a lot of business from the forum, and you have a relationship with them. If you are telling me that we censor TTZ criticism then I suggest you go do a search, you'll find plenty there that is for all to see that is still up there... I think there was even something in NZR last week? Perhaps you don't pay as much attention to those instances as you do those involving UAS. If your contention that we don't do anything about UAS criticism then you must not be fast enough to see some of the posts we have deleted... in fact ZisLuv has been one culprit a number of times... are you telling me we've never taken any action with him? Businesses have to take the good with the bad (UAS I'm sure does very well from the positive comments it receives), if people are unhappy with them do they not have the right to say so? (Chili himself has jumped down my throat many times about apparent censorship). This is why we will let people say their piece as long as it is constructive and informative, if it is dragged up again and again then we may become involved. "Slander and lies" about UAS.... for a statement to be either slanderous or a lie you have to know the truth about the situation in question, you are welcome to spend the rest of your days investigating, interviewing, collecting evidence and statements each time there is a disagreement on the forum so you can then put forward your case for judgement.

    I understand that some people think that we don't take enough action, frankly we delete a lot more posts than we used to (people don't always see it) and I can tell you that almost EVERY post which is removed there is a backlash from someone, even the most elementary of cases. Deleting posts is not as easy as it sounds and for every voice there is that is telling us we don't do it enough there is another there arguing bitterly how dare we do that. And if you think that sucks, wait until it's the same people arguing each side on different days of the week.

  7. blondie

    blondie New Member

    I know that I seem like a newby and all, but...>>>

    I have basically been a spectator on this forum for at least 4 years or so now and a spectator for a reason. It is such events as this one and Many other too numerous to mention that really don't deserve a mention, which keep me from being an active forum member, even though I love most of the Zed community. I cannot bear to hear of such petty crap on a constant basis any more, are you not all supposed to be adults? I am trying to teach my two teenage children the benefit of being responsible and to be outgoing and friendly, but when I see people who I know are fairly well educated, behave like school kids, it disappoints, I am sure, not only me but other people who stop in from time to time to read what is going on in 300ZX world....
    Grow Up, move on and life is way too short to get around with your head stuck up your proverbial.....
  8. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member


    Why sometimes it would help to have some one outside Victorias back door as they already KNOW the truth regarding people and workshops in the other states in most situations.

    Yes I can see you pull off certain posts but dont know why the last one I VTD'ed remained when I gave a reason telling you that it was untrue slander. (perhaps we can all be mini moderators this way) But that should have told you it was in breach of the guidelines and should have been pulled regardless of how many votes it had IMO.

    (shurugs) I can see this is going no where and I can see the forum will remain how it is for a very long time. Perhaps take a page out of Skylines Australias book.? How many members do they have? And online at once? For a great 300ZX forum, I would pay to be a member too.

    I'll shut up now. Had my say, thanks for listening anyway and your response
  9. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Gotta say it: the way this thread is shaping up, it's more 'damaging'

    to our reputation than any 'Chili<>Zisluv' saga and has nowhere near the entertaining wit!

    Spend some time on other car forums like the dozen I frequent, IMO, we are pretty tame and have very patient moderators...

  10. Risk

    Risk New Member

    i dont think its damaging..... it sounds like a few people have had some >

    thoughts about whats been happening, and have now spoken there mind.... if anything, if the moderators take note of peoples concerns - it will make the forum a better place.

    my main concern is why zisluv has been banned.... its been said time and time again that he is supposedly starting arguements.... but i didnt see it that way (unless i have missed a few threads/posts).... i can understand why JP would complain, but i dont feel zisluv has done anything wrong.... if he doesnt think something is right, he will question it - and most of the time back it up with some information (hell, hes more useful that using the seach button on ttnet!).... to me, most of his posts are either trying to put information out, or him trying to learn.... why shouldnt he question JP if he doesnt feel hes right?

    chili.... well, personally... about time.... i still feel as though you wanted to get rid of zisluv so you had to send chili walking too or there would of been an even bigger shit storm - but hey, thats only my opinion....

    as for more mods.... personally i think it would be a good thing.... maybe have members for each state vote for there own "representative"... might even hold the current mods accountable for things they say and do also...

    it would be a shame to see the forum fail now (which i serious doubt it will) - id hate to see all Razors hard work building all this for nothing! i for one appreciate the experiance of my 3 years on the forum, and hope ill be around long enough for another 3 years...

  11. ROB32Z

    ROB32Z New Member


    accept it and move on. Mods here do a great job, and like every aspect of life you get things you might not agree with. Lloyd and others give a lot and they take a lot. Personally i like Lloyd and have met him and think he's a great guy and some things he says on the forum seem abrasive to those who dont know where he is coming from, as I am sure most others' personalities. Without the mods and the makers, where would most of us be?? Without a forum as great as this, thats for sure. If others want to make another forum, go for it. Just dont complain about a job that people are doing FOR FREE and for your benefit. People keep saying stuff like they're glad this forum isnt like others on the net, but its starting to look like we are :thumbsdown::angry:

    My 2c worth anyway.

    Cheers everyone and merry christmas / happy new year.
  12. Risk

    Risk New Member

    isnt that a contradiction?

    you just said "FOR F#@&S SAKE PEOPLE GET OVER IT " then chip in your own "2c worth"... dont have a go at other people for stating there opinions if your going to do the same.

    some people have offered suggestions and criticisms - whats wrong with that? best way to learn what people think are faults or places they think the forum can be improved... in the end thats good for all of us....

  13. Egg

    Egg ....

    I really don't want to know 'where he's coming from'.

    Yeah he may be an absolute legend in person. But damned if it should be my/our responsibility to know where he's coming from to not take exception or offense.
    So he's just joking, but I really don't think it's funny mostly... it just divides us even more.
    Egg *standing in line waiting for his sense of humour*
  14. ROB32Z

    ROB32Z New Member

    LOL fair enough

    yeh what I said might be a contradiction but isnt what every1 else is saying a contradiction when you think that they know the forum has moderators for certain things yet they complain when the mods actually do their job???

    and no I dont expect everybody to 'get' Lloyd and his sense of humour, but for gods sake if everybody didnt take things people say so seriously then we wouldnt be typing these threads half the time. All im saying is that people should just get over it and move on. Life is more than petty squabbles on a forum. Let those who were banned for a little while take it on the chin and learn from it, as everybody else should.

    p.s. Risky, wasnt having a go at you for bringing it up, just happened to come under your topic :)

  15. gettinsquare

    gettinsquare New Member

    See Ya

    Your all a bunch of girls.
  16. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    "Your" should be "You're" but thanks anyway as I always

    wanted a set of tits to play with and now I have my own since we been called a bunch of girls. Wonder when the fishing tackle will fall off :)
  17. Risk

    Risk New Member

    im sure "gettinsquare" will be sorely missed..... at pre-school
  18. shadows

    shadows New Member

    ohh man boobies.......I can play with myself all night long.....
  19. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Bwahahahahahaha!!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:
  20. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    :LOL: pre-school......that's good :thumbsup:
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