first run in with police in my silvia...:x

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by quick1, Aug 30, 2003.

  1. black_tt

    black_tt New Member

    Got done my self,

    I was headed back from the adelaide show and headed in to the city to drop of a mate. Wasent speeding, doing about 50 (60 zone) obayed all the laws (knew he was following me) after about 10min of driving to the drop off point he switches on the lighs, there was no where to pull over so i stoped on the foot path (half on the road) he said i was driving in an un-safe manner. He told me that i had deliberatly bent my numberplate to avoide a speeding fine, i exsplaned the the aus spec number plates dont fit, he then proceded to attemp to bend it streight, and scratched my rear bar, after seing that it dident fit, told me to replace the plates or weare a defect. He wasent hugely rude, but stuborn.
  2. White Ant

    White Ant New Member

    Yeah, I feel for you dude > 8(

    I thought I was gonna end up in the same situation, i.e. get pulled over because of the car, rather than being identified as having perpetrated the crime - sort of guilty by association... They just hope you will buckle under the pressure and they got the right culprit...'cos they haven't bothered to do their job properly...I was lucky in a sense, even though I didn't do anything wrong myself - I half expected to have trouble with the cops, because there we so many others about driving like wankers in similar cars. And these guys were wankers, I mean this was in the city where there were drunk people stumbling on to the road after coming out of night clubs etc... Makes me really wonder about the sense of some people - and what makes me angry is then being branded in the same category, simlpy because of the look of my car... Sounds like you were in the same category Quicky, but unfortunately unluckier than I...When all is said and done: there is still absolutely no excuse for that cop's behaviour...:x
  3. Houndz@work

    Houndz@work Guest

    Recording works

    The simple fact is that it is NOT recognised as legally obtained evidence and is thus not admissible in court. This fact works in your favour because...1) You take that tape to the police station (a duplicate) and undertake a formal complaint. It will get the officer in question in deep shit, to the extent of him grovelling on his knees (at the insistance of his
    senior officer)2) This will happen because you 'suggest' that it may be good to take it to the media. Remember to suggest and not 'threaten'.3) They dont want the negative image. 4) You wont get in trouble because of the first point 'ITS INADMISSABLE IN COURT'. If they say that taping is illegal, its bullshit because if they threaten to charge you, on the basis of the tape, its an admission of authenticity of the tape. Opening up the case for an internal investigation of intimidation. 5) If you make a complaint and take it to the media anyway, your still safe because of pooint 4.
    I was in a slightly different situation when I was 19 and working at target. I had a tape recorder that my mum and dad gave me for my B/day in my locker because there was bit of a shakedown in the store. I got called to the store managers office and before entering I went to the toilet and fitted the mic behind my tie and the recorder in my daks.The formal line I was given was that I gave my mates mum staff discount and that was why I was being fired. I argued and the Store manager on a power trip fucked up and told me that I was too old (19@uni) and that he didnt like me. Later I took it to my dad who took it to Sue Ellery (his friend and Lawyer in the LHMWU).She had a field day with him based on unfair dismissal and I got to submit a resignation with one months pay up front (which suited me cos the job sucked anyway). Its worth having and I now have a tape recorder with me on all difficult business related issues.

    PHATZX New Member

    There was 35...>

    little '*' stars in that post.
  5. Thriller

    Thriller Guest

    Love the side icon wheres that come from (n/m)

  6. Zmokin

    Zmokin Agro

    Found it as a free

    Feature on some software we got from work.
  7. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ Guest

    Perhaps the worst cop story>

    I've heard. I think some people that are cops just have no idea what the f*#@ ethics are. Sounds like this guy was being hard arse NYPD Blue wannabe. Surprised he didn't threaten you with the phone book
  8. quick1

    quick1 Guest

    Yeah, he was trying out for the show 'Cops'

    haha :p ive heard stories similar to mine, but mainly when someones been busted racing or trying to run from cops, not being busted for leaving maccas slowly at 2 in the morning! :N(
  9. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Re: Yeah, he was trying out for the show 'Cops'

    Taping either video or audio is perfectly acceptable, as long as you advise those being recorded that it is being done, else you risk breaking privacy laws.

    I can't comment on the legailties in a courtroom, as I have no experience, but certainly if you went to the police station with an audio tape of the conversation, played it to a senior officer, and then offered to take it to the media unless a public apology was offered, I am sure you would get one.

    And just FYI for all Queenslanders, If a police officer is more than 300 metres from an "alledged" incident, they can not book you for it (unless you either let them or admit guilt).

    This is a fact, I have many police as customers.

    I have used that to my advantage on one occasion, whereby a police car did a U-Turn to chase me down over alledgedly running a red light. When I challenged him (ie you were so far away, and I am telling you that the light was amber), he said without any more fuss, have a nice day, and got in his car and drove off.

    Now, I know when you are young, the first time(s) you get pulled over it is all scary and intimidating, and that is how the police like it. They do have a shit of a job to do, and there are so many smart arses out there. I say, be polite, stand firm, and don't take any shit. A simple "exuse me officer, if you continue to talk to me in this manner, I will have no excuse but to report you to one of your senior officers" should be enough.
  10. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    congratulations, quick1 .... i think that you handled the situation

    in an exemplary manner ... particularly for a young guy in a high pressure situation. no matter what the circumstances, or the job being undertaken, there is absolutely no excuse for what you were subjected to...

    i find the incident extremely interesting in the context of the recent major thread concerning the monitoring of our site .... let us just hope the the "watchers/reporters" find this sort of behaviour, by one of their colleagues, sufficient to report to their seniors ... such behaviour, in the system, would certainly be a concern for me if i was a senior officer in whatever police force ....!!!!

    black baz ,,, and wondering what comes next ...???!!!!
  11. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    wow another time warp involving legendary quick1.....

    nice bloke, pitty he dissapeared..... and what about his sidekick PHATZX??....:)

  12. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    lol, why bring up this thread?
  13. JaMeSz007

    JaMeSz007 New Member



  14. JaMeSz007

    JaMeSz007 New Member

    Re: wow another time warp involving legendary quick1.....

    quick1 is a post whore on as tiger_s13

    PHATZX owns a hondah now and is a member of as IRI
  15. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    good one ... i didn't pick up the date ,,,!!!!!

  16. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    that is great ..even two years after the event ....!!!!
  17. 308_HQ_350hp

    308_HQ_350hp New Member

    Re: Quicky

    That Reminds me of when i lost my pulled over for speeding (172 in 110).....the coppers where just going nuts saying they have no problem putting bullets though my door and shit....i can understand them being pissed.....cause they were doing like 260ks to catch me but man do they need to say they were gonna shoot me and call me a fuck head and shit like that.....mate its Bull shit......then when they left they had the hide to take off in a huge cloud of smoke!?!?! and tear off up the freeway.....i wish i had a camera.....its Fucked....then at the court hearing....REPEAT DRINK DRIVING OFFENDERS (Like 3 time Before) GOT 3 MONTHS SUSPENTION AND SOME PISS WEAK FINE AND I GOT 12 MONTHS FOR PULLING OVER STRAIGHT AWAY AND NOT ABUSING COPS AND PLEADING GUILTY AND SAYING I WAS AN IDIOT FOR SPEEDING.......FUCKING JUDGE!!!
  18. JaMeSz007

    JaMeSz007 New Member

    Re: Quicky

  19. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    :LOL: James, tis ok, Mr Plod will read his post and harass him some more.
  20. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Fates Final Say

    For everyone that is reading this, i'm sure you all know that i'm a lovely person.....

    just as long as you don't cross me.

    For sure, if i'm doing something wrong. i'll take that wrap on the nuckles and admit to doing something wrong.

    But heaven, hell and everything in between help the son of a bitch next to cross me.

    I was a very respectful person towards police once. Used to think hey, if i'm in the wrong i'll pay the price, thats their jobs.

    Now days. It wouldn't suprise me if police started turning up dead all over the place.

    There was a HUGE Cruize last sunday. over 200 cars. I decided to stay home for my own safety. GOOD THING TOO.

    Police waited for the enthusiasts to arrive at the spit and park. When everyone had parked. the police swarmed the joint. Blocking EVERYONE in.

    over 100 cars were given defect notices and people fined for even the smallest things including Loitering.

    Needless to say there have been a lot of people pissed off at what these "LAWMEN" did. The spit has now been grafiti'd every 50m or so with "POLICE WILL DIE" "COPS SUCK WE WILL KILL YOU"

    Police wonder why nobody listens to them anymore. The answer is simple.


    My Day in court tomorrow for an alleged speeding offence back in January in which i was not speeding. The officer is basing his facts around the fact he (and you'll love this) "HEARD" me go past and put my foot down. It has been alleged i was doing 135 in a 110 zone. I WAS BEHIND ANOTHER CAR. Even if i wanted to put my foot down. I couldn't traffic was stopping me.

    Society has been let down by the justice system, and i for one am sick of it.

    What does it take for a community to stand up against this judicial system and bring realism back to reality???

    We'll find out soon enough.

    My car has been blacklisted, and another member of the Z community harassed as the officer "THOUGHT" the Zedder was me. Twas only when the number plate was checked that he realised the mistake. The officer then explained that they are looking for the MAFIA car. (thats me).

    Officers be warned, this is not a threat, nor a promise, Merely a warning.


    Btw. just a quick note. Isn't searching the forum for our details breach of privacy if they follow up on it???

    Fate- Relieving some stress and preparing to lose license tomorrow morning. Just dont' have physical evidence to prove i wasn't speeding.!

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