Vented Fibreglass bonnets and fenders

Discussion in 'Technical' started by loud'n'proud, May 29, 2006.

  1. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    well i can make it how ever thick i want... 1mm, 1.2mm, 1.5, 2mm, 3mm, after that it starts getting thick and expencive...

    hell if you want to go all the way out there you could put a 1mm plexiglas cover over it and a large flat glow plate under so your floors glow.. lol

    but yeah you could mould it. need some sort of cover since the points would be sharp and catch on things

  2. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    don't spose you know a good place for sheet aluminium in Perth?
  3. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    look up QSM.. Quality sheet metal in welshpool.. if you know where C-red is they are on the other side of the road... talk to vince and ou'll get a decent deal...

    we get all out stuff pressed up by them... (i work next door to c-red)

  4. method

    method Active Member

    I can do this, I will try to do it in photoshop over the next

    week.. exams keeping me busy as they start on Monday and my car is in pieces. But if you can do what I want, name your price for all the work time etc and I will just do direct deposit for them if the finish is perfect.

  5. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    done... when we have a final design we'll work out a price on the effort it will take..

    prob be more then normal fenders because of the extra material and since we will have to build up some stock ones from scratch so your looking at more $500 for a pair or something off the top of my head maybe un fitted and painted but thats not much more on top... but we'll see..

    then once we get your car in we'll test your stock fenders against our mould to see if its a good fit and if it is you can have it back within 24 hours.!

  6. method

    method Active Member

    that price is far less than I expected so that would

    be good even if it was more. I will have to organize someone else to do the test fit as I am in Melbourne :p Unpainted would be good as I would probably get an entire re-spray done if I got these and the wide body rear I have been looking at. Anyhow, I will shoot pics your way asap.


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