Zeddy Teddy

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by willphiz, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. willphiz

    willphiz #1 Member

  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Haha, pretty kewl little things :D How come the big one is cheaper than the little one? Pretty pricey for what they are.

  3. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

    Group Buy! :D
  4. willphiz

    willphiz #1 Member

    the s13 BIG ones are like $80

    should make zed ones


    haha nice, drift charms ftw :p
  6. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    How long until there are some half cuts available ?
  7. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    No need for a group buy, there's enough stuffed Zeds here already.

    ( Metaphorically speaking ) :D
  8. Polish

    Polish New Member

    Its like why are 600ml bottles of coke more than a 2L bottle.

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