Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Shifter, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

  2. ports

    ports the pro

    The funny thing is some people are so ignorant they actually believe that tripe.:eek: :eek:
  3. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    what idiots, waste of webspace
  4. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    They are also requestion donations

    To help with their causes (trips to meet the advanced civilisations down there). What dumbarse is going to fall for that!!!

  5. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    Here's my favourite weirdo web site/ramblings of a complete loony I really like his dedication to the topic. Anyway, death to all singularity minded stupids!:D
  6. blackj_ck

    blackj_ck enthuziazt

    lmao what a load of utter shite! noooo... proof tht the moon landing wasnt real :eek: coz the moon dont exist:p hehehe
  7. aK

    aK Banned

    Although this is so called scientist are so dumb, i must say

    That to some this is just as dumb as people saying that God does not exist. Not trying to create a debate but its the same issue, although we have been conditioned to beleive everything on earth created itself and was all an accident that came together perfectly :rolleyes: and had nothing to do with a supreme being desiging it so balanced and perfect for us.

  8. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member

    Whoa, I just read that guys whole page and it looks like he hasn't taken his meds in years. Well either that or he took too much LSD at university. WTF is he thinking calling for scientists to be castrated, you and me killed, etc etc just because we havent heard of/dont belive his 4 days in 24hours theory? Apparently I am so evil that I deserve to die? WTF?

    I would love to slap some sense into that dickhead (i will introduce him to my sig :D)

    Anyway, if you have 5mins, take a look through his page for a good laugh. It kind of seems like a joke, but it is obvious that he is right off his rocker, just like the crazy guy 4 houses down from my office who has covered his house in teddy bears used undies and signs, with stuff like "you watched by police, you been warn by king fred" and "bushells best tea in australia", and my personal favorite "beware of king fred and big dick, they bad" posted all over the place.
  9. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    What was that loon smoking? lol

    Biggest bunch of tripe there ever was.

    I mean, some people such as the hollow Earth, flat Earth and no moon 'believers' are fun to take the piss out of but the '4 days in 24 hours' guy is clearly disturbed. I didn't waste too much time reading the whole page though.

    Well i'm off to dig a hole. Might find myself in Atlantis somewhere surrounded by beautiful Atlantian women :cool: :cool:


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