Why is it said that new car engines are alre

Discussion in 'Technical' started by TwinTurbo, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. TwinTurbo

    TwinTurbo New Member

    already run in from factory these days ...
    Should you do anything yourself ..
    I thought someone once posted a sight which explained the best way to run in a new car .. does anyone have this , would love to read it ..
    I havent had my Zed engine rebuilt its going strong , but we just bought one of the new Rav4 cruisers with the new engine .. would love to read the best steps for good power and economy later on ... cheers if anyone has this info or if its really needed. I was once told drive it hard if you want it to run hard later on ...
  2. JETzx


    At a guess when enignes come off production

    they will run it in on a chasis dyno or what ever. So actual chasis of car is 0km. Would seem logical because people are often stupid and can damage a car if driven too hard first start. Run a search for how to run your car in sure u'll get lots of results. Better safe then sorry. Have a read of the comments guys who rebuild there engine on this forum make, motoman method sounds a litte crazy for me.Cheers
  3. ENuffZ

    ENuffZ Diesel Driver

    Agree with "Would seem logical" comment..>>

    I also think the cost's involved with replacing/repairing brand new engines that the new owners have trashed would be masive if the factory hadn't taken something like this into account in the first place.Got a mate here in Shepparton, so far his new car tally has been an VP SS, VS SS, VT SS, Current Monaro & a new 1 tonner ute, all have been V8 and all have been broken in HARD and not one of them ever gave him any problems.
  4. TwinTurbo

    TwinTurbo New Member

    I thought that was the only way .. except

    I heard that monaro was getting a engine rebuild ..   is that still happening ? LS1 not as tight as some ..
  5. Zeo

    Zeo Active Member

    Before my mate wrote off his new munro >>>>>

    GMH rebuilt his engine, I think it was something about oil or pistons.
  6. ENuffZ

    ENuffZ Diesel Driver

    That was GM's fault, not his.

    And Holden gave him a brand new engine.Those LS1 engines are a real P.O.S
  7. Sead

    Sead Hunter

    If you push the new engine too hard

    the cylinders might glaze up and later on start loosing compression amongst other things. My suggestion take it easy for a fev thousand K's, good mineral oil change on shorter intervals in the begininng and don't rev it too high. There is a milion things that could go wrong.
    Congrats on a new car, and good luck with it.
  8. method

    method Active Member

    my sister was told not to go past 3000rpm in

    her new wrx until 2000kms. I think this is just being a bit to cautios and allows you to rev up to around 5 and think that its to high. If they said something like don't go past 5000 people would redline it the minute they get out of the dealership.WHen my dad worked at GMH they use to run all engines in before they went for sale. Not sure if they still do it but i'm pretty sure they would.
  9. PeteD (2-faZt)

    PeteD (2-faZt) New Member

    The site you were referring to...

    is probably this one:Break In SecretsI've been told by my engine builders that although running it hard can be good for sealing rings etc, it can have a detrimental effect on other components that haven't seated properly. They think a fast idle is best for the first 20 mins or so......can anyone verify this? It sounds a little too low??
  10. TwinTurbo

    TwinTurbo New Member

    Thanks for the replies...

    Going through that site now .. is a good read .. thanks again .. :YD

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