Which car battery charger for the zed

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by quickzx, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. quickzx

    quickzx Member

    Hey guys,

    The zed isn't getting driven much lately and I'm in need of a good but affordable battery charger. I've got a 760cca battery with 185 rc, not to familiar with how chargers works so can somebody chime in a recommend one capable of charging and maintaining my battery?




    QLDZDR ID=David

    you ask,
    Which battery charger for the Zed?

    But should really be asking
    Which battery charger for this battery?
  4. quickzx

    quickzx Member

    I'm un-aware of any battery operated Zeds rolling around, so I figure most people here get the drift. Thanks for your input though, very helpful :)

  5. scottyoz1962

    scottyoz1962 Active Member


    QLDZDR ID=David

    Well you have completely missed my point and don't even realise how helpful it was.
    PS: I didn't quote your title exactly, I should have.....

    "Which car battery charger for the zed" was your title.

    the battery charger needs to be paired up with the specific battery.
    SIZE & TYPE (car not important, unless you wanted to ask about a new battery for your Zed and a charger to suit that)

    NB: This isn't even a Zed related question, because you could use that same battery in a Falcon.

    If your battery SIZE was a 550cca then you might be sold a 2700ma charger, but since your battery is a 760cca then something else should be specified.

    Then there is the TYPE of battery, If you purchased it in the last 12 months, you might have bought a Silver Calcium alloy battery.
    If you buy the one that ScottyOZ suggested then you will be OK, because it states that it can handle most types.
  7. quickzx

    quickzx Member

    No worries bud, if you read my post you'd see that I said I was unsure how these car battery chargers worked, so rather than writing me a riddle you could have just asked what sort of battery it was - lead acid ect, as I already stated the CCA's it was putting out :)


    QLDZDR ID=David

    Geez, If you are keen with your $$$ then take a pic of your battery (so the sales person knows what type of battery you have) tell them it is 760cca so they can give you a couple of options.
    If you have too much money then just ask for the biggest and best at any price.

    Actually just buy the one Scotty suggested it might be a bit overkill but that is the best option for you. Also know it has been tested on a Zed (even though that isn't really relevant)
  9. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    Yeah you are coming off a little menstrual, but sometimes text can be misinterpreted, the guy asked a pretty simple question.

    There is probably nothing wrong with the one Scotty mentioned, if the truth be known it is probably a rip off of the Ctek that has lead the way in functionality and quality.


    The Ctek is cheaper, it has a 5 year warranty, and would get snapped up if you wanted to sell it.

    Could not be happier with my Ctek MXS 5.0, and I know that there are many other happy owners on here.
  10. scottyoz1962

    scottyoz1962 Active Member

    :eek: nein nein John super crap and sca would never rip off another companies idea's,,,,, Heaven forbid :rofl: :rofl:

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