Where is thy actuator line..?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ZWEETT, Apr 30, 2004.


    ZWEETT Active Member

    [image]http://www.iinet.net.au/~mwv/300zx/whereiam.jpg[/image]That's the area I am working in[image]http://www.iinet.net.au/~mwv/300zx/whereistheboost.jpg[/image]Now for a close up,What I want to know is if any of those two lines that look like VAC - boost lines that go into the safety boost solenoid is one that runs to the actuator for the turbo.As I am trying to fix up my dodge boost controller install, They only hocked the thing up to 1 turbo and left the safety boost solenoids plugged and all.
  2. egghau

    egghau SHIFT_what again?

    If it helps

    in the manual EF&EC-9 has a diagram of where it should go. Looks like you are having 'fun' already...

    ZWEETT Active Member

    So is it this one..

    [image]http://www.iinet.net.au/~mwv/300zx/actuatorline.jpg[/image]I hate those diagrams but is the line with the blue dot look like the correct one?

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