What is this hose for???

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Baroo, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Baroo

    Baroo TIMMAY!

    The hose sitting on the battery has some vacuum. Found these today whilst fiddling with car. Are they meant to be joined or seperate? Yes they are the same size, the photo tells lies.


    THEZED Loose Screws Inside

    It looks like it connects to the hose at the bottom of the

    battery. (from the picture) I would think that it could be the water hose for the nozzles on your bonnet to "spray" your windshield.
  3. Baroo

    Baroo TIMMAY!

    Don't think so as both nozzles spray water.

    Also the hose on the battery is trying to suck air.
  4. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Part of the AIV's?
  5. Baroo

    Baroo TIMMAY!

    Quite possibly could be, just looked through the tech

    article and seemed to be basically what i've seen there. However i'm not sure whether the AIV's are still there. Thanks will check this out.
  6. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Here's a photo of my set up

    It would appear that your hose has been cut for some reason.
    Hope this helps - sorry its a bit out of focus.


  7. shadows

    shadows New Member

    see if it just a vent hose

    the batteries {as they came out of japan} where sealed units with a breather hose that dropped all the gases onto the road.It could be the old vent hose.
  8. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    I believe its for the AIV's.....

    I have removed my AIV's (sit in the wheel arches) and all the associated plumbing. From memory, there is a vacuum line that runs near the battery to the drivers side of the car. I suspect someone has removed your AIV's or disabled them.


    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

  10. Baroo

    Baroo TIMMAY!

    Well Mark. Looks like we've got

    another job for the tech day. Looking forward to it, perhaps you can even play teasers for episode 3 as someone so strong with the force should have the pre-release version. Thanks to all.

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