Urgent help - under plenum bypass

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Audiobuzz, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    As you may have seen in my NZR thread, I've popped a coolant hose the other day. I'm planning on fixing this this weekend and plan to take the upper plenum off and bypass all the coolant hoses. I've done a quick search but can't find an answer on either tt.net or here. I will continue to search but would appreciate some help in the mean time.

    What I need to know is whether the hose that popped is one of the hoses that gets bypassed or not.

    (Sorry to simon for the direct link, I don't have access to my web host ATM and will rehost tonight.)

    It's the one at the very back-center of the plenum (PN 14056-NE). If need to order this hose then I need to do it within the next hour or so for it to arrive before the weekend and will have to order a complete hose kit.

    Can someone also tell me what hose I need to order to do the bypass? ie what diameter and how much of it?


  2. 2ZXTRM

    2ZXTRM Vetran

    Jarrad check your email

    Ive sent you some tech articles.
  3. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Thanks trevor

    Do you still have those spare injector connectors as I think I'll do them while I've got the plenum off.

    Any tips on where to get injectors cleaned and flow tested?

  4. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Beat me to it :)

    Found this on TT.net if it helps

    Click Here
  5. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Parts source suggestions please...

    As the NA doesn't have the turbo cooling lines that run in the same lines as the TB lines, it's neater if I can just block off the metal outlets rather than running bypass lines.

    Has anyone ever bought rubber block off caps suitable for a 6mm line (Inner diameter I think but I'll have to check)?

    I know I can maybe make up plugs with a bolt and a hose clamp but if I can get neater I'd rather do that.

    I tried repco but they only have 15 and 19mm inner diameter plugs.



    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Have you tried.....>>

    Any of the hose specialist shops like Pirtek or Enzed?
  7. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Just tried them and no luck!
  8. DinoZ

    DinoZ Talks sh#t for a living.

    Use Stainless Rod

    Or cut shaft section off long bolt. Don't use threaded section! Ring groove the shaft and clamp it.

    I'd be worried about a soft plug coming out when under pressure.

    Cheers, Dean.
  9. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Tis all back together again!!

    It's all working again now, I'll post some pics later once I have downloaded them from the camera.

  10. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Aaaargh, the one hose I didn't replace!!!!

    Yes well murphy has struck again. The one hose thawt I deemed impossible to get to without a lower plenum removal, has gone now (I think).

    It got hot again on sunday (Not hot enough for the gauge to move but hot enough to split a hose and drop coolant) and I could hear a hissing from the back of the engine. It's either one of teh hoses that I replaced not sealing properly, or it's the one hose that I couldn't replace.

    Sooo it looks like this weekend will be spent taking out the plenum again. Hopefully it will be easier this time round. By the end of it I should be an expert in plenum removal (On an NA at least).

    Can anyone tell me if it is just the plenum -> head gaskets that I have to replace if I take off the lower plenum?

    At least I can do my det sensor if I take it off.

  11. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    i may be wrong......

    and someone please correct me if i'm wrong, but i think to get the lower plenum off you have to dismantle the front of the motor. This is because the lower plenum is connected to something that resides within the timing belt covers. My memory is sketchy but i remember someone telling me this....

    sorry to hear about the water leak AB, i know its a pain in the arse.....

  12. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Mark, you are correct....

    But, exactly which hose is it?
  13. MikeZ

    MikeZ Blingz my thing

    Are there more coolant hoses below those...

    that hide under the top plenum?? I didn't think that there were. You may not need to delve into the lower plenum. How about bypassing these hoses all together.
  14. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    I have bypassed all but this one...

    this one is a short joiner piece that runs vertical from the heater hose pipe (engine side metal pipe that has the 90 degree bend in it that failed for RZM) to a nearby metal pipe that runs over the VCT solenoid and towards the drivers side. I blocked it off at the drivers side end but couldn't get to the hose.

    I'm hoping that it's not the actuall metal pipe as per RZM's previous problems.

    Please note that I think this setup is specific to the NA's as the TT's have the turbo coolant lines in there instead I think.

    I was thinking of taking off the cam covers etc anyway so I can clean them up and paint them so this may not be such a bad thing.

    Might just mean that the zed is off teh road for 6 months as I don't have the time or money to do it all at once. While I'm at it I might just throw in a bucket of stuff for chroming and a plenum polish. Gotta get something positive out of this.

    Time to break out the old VH commodore from retirement I think (I knew I bought that beauty for 500 bucks for a reason).

  15. MikeZ

    MikeZ Blingz my thing

    Welcome to my world

    This is how my Zed spent October last year. Good stuff if you like low mileage!

    Click here

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