Unpaid Fines

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by chickmagnet, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. chickmagnet

    chickmagnet New Member

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    Hi Vic zedders, just thought i would let you know as from yesterday if you have outstanding parking fines like thousands of dollars, police and other law enforcement are going around doing number plate checks anywhere (shopping centres, casino, ANYWHERE) and if your number plate is a wanted owner then they lock your wheels down, and basically take your car until you pay or start paying your fines....:confused: :eek: :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. DrewZ

    DrewZ member

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    Yeah I saw on channel 7

    One of the cars that got locked down was a white Zed. Unlucky
  3. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

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    A word...
    If your parking fine has been issued by a PRIVATE company eg Wilson's Parking, they have NO RIGHT or authority to obtain your name/address from your rego number. If you get a letter from such a company, seek legal advice re breach of privacy (you may even be able to sue THEM). Only Councils and other statutary authorities have the authority to access the infomation attached to your rego.

    I have this advice from someone whom I trust, and believe it to be correct. HOWEVER, I accept no personal responsibility for anyone acting on this advice!

    (Don't you hate fence-sitters. To illustrate the circumstance, I currently have about $150 in outstanding fines issued by a private company operating a car-park at a public hospital. I have not and do not intend to pay them, some of which date back over 2 years. My car is NOT on the Hospital's register of staff-owned vehicles, so the only way Wilsons can get my personal info is from the RTA, which they are not permitted to do!)
  4. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

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    Here in the ACT

    If you dont pay your fines issued by a court (for anything), they will cancel your rego. If you still dont pay them they will take your car, deduct money each time you get paid, and if still no luck from them, you will be sent to jail for 1 day per $100 owed.

    If you have done the wrong thing and get fined, pay up or expect consequences. Oh and one other thing, if they have to hound you for the money, you will get a really bad credit rating. So there goes your chances of borrowing money for a while.


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