underselling Zs

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by dark3n666, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. Madcow

    Madcow Active Member

    everyone should jsut wreck the zed if they cant sell it! :-D
  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    It's getting to that point :p

    Zeds are money pits, but once you have replaced everything they are good for another 20 years :p
  3. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

    Did you just reply to yourself? Lol.
  4. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    "Zeds are money pits, but once you have replaced everything they are good for another 20 years"

    I spent 20k+ replacing everything and if I get another 20 years, that's a grand a year!
    Good value the zed. $20 a week is pretty cheap motering if you ask me.
  5. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member

    Ahmen Brother

    Yeah replacing everything is my goal/plan, im taking the long term approach, I have slowly acquired a stock pile of bits and piece over years from all the GB's and people who sell their BNIB aftermarket bits after they sell their zed, lose their job, lose interest etc etc. i have more money in unused BNIB after market bits than my zed is worth. Everytime I get paid I try and spend a little bit getting the next part for the pile, last week it was a lightened flywheel, next on the list is a FPR.
  6. CARZ

    CARZ Member

    I don't want to offend anyone, I'm only making the point that based on age & average wear, 'most' of the cheap Z's need a fair bit of 'fixing-up' & therefore the low price simply reflects the car's age & condition. I'm not defending the value of any other car either, simply ofering an example of how the Z's have actually 'held' their value when compared to others.

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