Those that have Titanium keys this may interest you....

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Kalus, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Kalus

    Kalus Finally dug myself out

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    Half way down the page are a couple of Titanium items. I haven't purchased anything from them, so cannot comment on service etc. I was only searching for some info on the Titanium keys out of interest. My thoughts were that a Titanium key would wear out the locks rather quickly, I imagine there are different grades available though. I had my new one cut by a guy up the road who was unsure whether it would destroy the cutters on his machine, but found that it was as soft as a normal key. He cut my Titanium key from the Nissan code, cut and supplied a black replica Z key, and also a new house key for $25 all up, what a bargain.
  2. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    titanium machines nicely like 6061 alloy though I'd still use

    tungsten carbide tools to machine / cut it.

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