There we were cruising along in my baby taking my 26 year old to the

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Luig, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Luig

    Luig luig

    airport. It was 8pm, a double highway with a 80 zone and my coupe' purring like a kitten!:zlove:
    The lights turned against me as I cruised to a stop
    when the daughter, bless her heart, said "Hey Dad isnt that another Z beside you?" Well of course it was my dear any other car you would be looking at their door-handle!:LOL:
    I waved to the (2x2)Zedster, you know that sort of wave you give to someone else who you think is as cool as you!:LOL::LOL:
    My daughter , bless her heart, said he's a bit rude Dad, he didn't even wave back!:angry:
    I turned to look and observed the young Dude (circa.35) was keenly focused straight ahead, steely eyes, and his lips puckered like a cats bum. (you know the kinda look the Bride gives you when you want to spend another 1000 on the Z!)
    Hmmmm, I said, I thought we were all mates! My daughter, bless her heart, said " Hey Dad I think he wants a drag!" :thumbsup:
    Immediately I grabbed my sunnies :cool: ! "What do you want those for Dad?"
    She was right with my failing sight, bad hearing and arthritis I needed all the help I could get.
    :rolleyes: Lets do it :thumbsup:
    "You're not going to drag him are you Dad?"
    "Too right, how rude is that, ignoring a fellow Zedder!"

    Power switch on, overdrive deselected, revs upto 1500 holding on the brakes. The lights said go. Hang the cops this Zed is seeing blood tonight!:thumbsup:

    He nudged in front a smidgen but only till I felt the turbos hit boost, straight to 7 grand, she changed, the back kicked sideways as we pulled past,turbos screaming and necks bent behind we hit 80 in a matter of a few seconds whereupon I eased back to drive more sedately as one would expect on a man my vintage!

    "We kicked his big white ass! :thumbsup::thumbsup: " shouted my daughter, bless her heart,as he sped past in his fury. For the next 5 klicks he baited me urging for another go but I kept the prize,my daughters admiration of her old Dad:LOL::LOL:

    Moral of this story is "Beware of old farts in their mid life crisis Dudes":cool::cool:

    regards John:cool:
  2. Zeo

    Zeo Active Member

    How old are you? Old fart!! :LOL: :zlove:
  3. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    Re: How old are you? Old fart!! :LOL: :zlove:

    sounds great :)
    i 2nd that.. how old are you?

    DVSZED Member

    "Beware of old farts in their mid life crisis Dudes" LOL

  5. HoeMan

    HoeMan New Member

    I wasnt even trying John. :p ;) :LOL:
  6. Luig

    Luig luig

    I'm really a 20 year old, dressed in a 54 year old suit! Just ask AZA or

    Fleet how dangerous I am on the track!:cool:

    regards John
  7. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    congratulations, luig, from another old fart, 62 years of age and in at

    least his 4th mid life crisis ... isn't it great fun !!!!
  8. Luig

    Luig luig

    Thanks Baz, you know the other day less than a k away from my

    place I passed another grey veteran (circa 60's) slipping out of his driveway for a cruise in his immaculate charcoal 2X2 TT! :thumbsup:
    How's that I said to the Bride as she stared in disbelief!:LOL::LOL:
    There is life after 50, that's for sure.:cool:

    Just how many on this forum are over say 45 ????
    It would be interesting.

    Regards John:cool:
  9. Street to Strip

    Street to Strip Account Disabled

    Re Old Farts

    ;);););)Hey John, 54 is not old, I am 58.;);););)
  10. Muz

    Muz New Member

    Fricken awsome! :thumbsup:

    Sadly my little girl is only 5 yo so she would shit herself if I tried that.... then her mother would kill me just for fun! :eek:
  11. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Yeah I'm one of the old fart brigade John

    60 in a couple of months time.

    Which brings me to a story involving my now 27 year old daughter who was 4 at the time. I was living in Winnipeg back then and a guy ran a red light and nearly wiped me out. I called him a f#%king a$$hole as you do in Canada and a little voice from the back seat said "A$$hole's a bad word Daddy!"

    We still laugh about that incident.

  12. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Elderly ass Kickers

    Nice job :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

    May i say that there is only 1 thing I love more than having an elderly person a) race me and b) actually win.

    And thats when the Elderly person is driving a Z.

    Not mentioning any names K-Zed.

    2 thumbs up to the WoopAss Old Farts brigade.

    Cheers Fate
  13. Zeppelin

    Zeppelin Member

    H'onya, John. I'm in the over-50's club as well (just, though!) :thumbsup:

    Such a keen Zedder that my hair is changing naturally to match the colour of my car - some say grey, but I prefer silver! :):LOL:
  14. Luig

    Luig luig

    I was just reading the "Woes of the P-Platers" post above and thought

    how its true the Fuzz pick on the less mature of us:LOL::LOL::LOL:
    A number of times the police have cruised up to check me out only to find an old dude is driving.
    They then think "Ah he's harmless" just like young women say when they think your way past it and feel safe with you!:LOL::LOL::LOL: (Well they are with me!)

    The cops think your living in some sort of fantasy and basically you are but just to reinforce their thinking , at the opportune time when they are considering pulling me over I dribble from the right side of my lips!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
    Works every time! Never fails!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
    The young coppers cant handle it and reach for their sick bags and immediately drive off! YES:thumbsup:

    Yet all along I am a seething vial of adrenalin looking for young prey in their Commodores!;);)

    regards John:cool:
  15. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    You ANIMAL you!!

  16. Cove

    Cove Getting to be an old fart

    Saw sticker on a vehicle the other day, which just suits the occassion

    "Id rather be an Old Fart than a young dickhead"

    Enjoy, cheers

  17. cbzx

    cbzx cbzx

    Naughty Naughty Naughty!

    We dont admit to things like that. Chris K .
  18. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    Good one well said
  19. Caz1

    Caz1 New Member

    I love posts like these! Brilliant :thumbsup:

    Makes me feel a little less odd! The suprise factor when its realised that you aren't a teenager is always fun, and doubled by being female!! I just love the "thats a chick!" or "she's driving that!" comments at the drags. Always make me smile.;)
  20. Luig

    Luig luig

    It's very true what Cazi said about feeling odd very first instinct

    when I bought the Z was to camoflage myself. Here I was buying a car that only "younger" people should drive. I really should be driving a station-wagon or a Volvo:wacko: not a flashy coupe with a wing sitting high on the tail!:LOL::LOL:
    My three daughters and son in law love it especially with the lids off.:thumbsup: But I continually felt embarrassed and used to wear sunnies with a cap to disguise my age :cool::cool:.
    I had been so conditioned by the social perspectives that I felt out of place and basically an odd-ball. Until one day I stopped for a woman on a crossing. She was a shapely 30-35 year old blonde and quite attractive :wacko:
    She paused in the middle of the crossing and looked at the car and then blew me a kiss!:thumbsup::thumbsup: and I didn't have my camoflage on. I was floored!! :eek::eek::eek:
    The funny thing was the Bride was on board too, although she was reading and didnt see her. When I asked her "Did you see that?" She replied " Sure dear, in your dreams...come on get this bucket of bolts moving I'm late for the hairdressers!":rolleyes::rolleyes:
    I'm often told to act my age but when out in the Zed I surprisingly feel about 20. Except I have that great attitude that you acquire around 40 where you don't care whether you live up to other people's expectations or not.

    regards John:cool::cool:

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