The never ending Z hassles continue.. Driveshaft?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by WA300Z, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    It's starting to get me down, the never ending money pit of issues continue. I've got it parked up in the shed at the moment because it sounds so bad when I start it. It sounds like a v8 on idle, and theres a bad vibration. I've done a bit of research and I believe the issue could be the center bearing of the driveshaft and I have to replace my gearbox brushes also. There is also a smell of fuel under the car. It could be my electrics, I need a new PTU or it's the engine. Cylinders dropping?

    I'm ready to burn the ****ing thing
  2. lurker_nz

    lurker_nz New Member

    Fix the fuel leaks first.
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    gearbox brushes?do you mean the mounts?

    reason being, if the gearbox is sagging too much on old mounts, it can through out the alignment of the whole tailshaft and have the same symptons as a centre bearing........
  4. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

    Won't feel the tailshaft vibrating at idle. Only while driving, and most prominent on acceleration.

    If it sounds like a v8 or rexi motor then your missing on 1 or more pots.
  5. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Have a tech day, whack in someone else's ptu, fix fuel leaks or you WILL burn the thing... that hopefully will fix the engine side of things and start to rekindle the Z love.

    Also I beleive he meant gearbox bush.

  6. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Is this the strong blue motor?

    Sounds like it's down a cylinder.
  7. beastly

    beastly New Member

    i know man i have the same problem with the vibration. the things that have been done 2 it is balance driveshaft, new hanger bearing, uni joints where good and its still their. so next thing im going 2 throw money at is the motor mounts and gearbox mount. hopefully this will end the vibration.
  8. lurker_nz

    lurker_nz New Member

    If the notor is not running right then it will vibrate as it misses. Get the motor running properly first THEN track down the vibration
  9. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Thanks for the feedback guys, my original post may have been over-reacting a bit but it's a bit of a downer when things go wrong. @ Jinxed, yes I did meant mounts, that could be the issue with the driveshaft. The cylinder dropping makes sense also, I don't know why I didn't think of that. I believe it's happened before when aiden and tom were playing around with it. I have another S1 PTU here I can put in tomorrow and see if that makes a difference, just unplug one and put the other one in yeah? Where's the cheapest place to get a S2 PTU?


    I've been doing that for the past three years lol
  10. geron

    geron National Petroleum Equipm

    Get datascan and drop one cylinder at a time.

    From there you can tell which cylinder is causing the engine to vibrate as you will notice the engine idle different as you drop each cylinder.

    This should help you to pinpoint your problem. Also do a diagnostic while you are at it and see what errors you may have. It may be as simple as a coil pack connector or a coil pack.

    With vibration while moving, once the engine is sorted, either change the centre bearing and do a complete tail shaft rebuild or purchase a one piece. It could also be the g/box mount.

    When my car had vibrations when moving, I got the original talshaft fully rebuilt with new universal joints and re-balanced. This sorted it out.

    After that, if vibration persists, what else could it be? either the tailshaft is not balanced properly (and it does happen) or perhaps the wheels are out of balance.

    If you haven't already done so, fit some new injector quick release connectors and coil pack connectors. This will eliminate the cause of poor connections due to 20YO connectors.

    Sorry to see that you are having such problems with your Z

  11. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Tried a different PTU tonight but made no difference.

    As for the datascan, what cable do I need to get to run from my laptop?

  12. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    You need a consult cable. If you don't have one, you can buy one or use someone else's.

    If you want to, bring your car down here to Rockingham and I will host a Techday for you. Just buy beer and snags and we will do the rest.

    Otherwise, just lob up one Saturday and I'll stick consult on it for you. If you give us advance warning, Chris (ezzupturbo) may be able to come over and give you some expert advice :cool:
  13. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    For just a diagnostic a techday might be overkill, if I do have to change the driveshaft later on then something like that might be ideal. I've been busy with collage lately so it's been difficult to find time for anything. Next week im free otherwise this coming saturday afternoon im also free.

    It doesn't sound very good at all, I'm reluctant to drive past my block. Towing could be an option or someone close to roleystone might be able to come over and run a diagnostic.

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys
  14. xzara

    xzara New Member

    I've spent like $9 - $10k having things fix..

    You won't ever stop spending money on it..
  15. OZX_320

    OZX_320 Detachable Member

    only 9-10K? you got off cheap. 15K was my last spending spree on mine, only to have it defected/deregistered 12 months later....... yet still I love her..... in a perversed, Sandra Sully kinda way.

    "passions" are rarely cheap, always trying, but overly rewarding in their outcome.
  16. xzara

    xzara New Member

    Hehe, that's so far ;) Not yet to come ;)

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