The 'Help fund Zealous' European adventure' Sale

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by Zealous, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    WIDE BODY KIT- $1200.00

    If anyone is interested, please PM me.

    I am open to discussion. Would be great to get rid of this in the next few weeks.

  2. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    Wide Body kit will be advertised else where as of sunday!
    So if your interested... get in quick!!!:zlove:

    Sub is also sold!! ..again! lol
  3. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    Have you still got the steering wheel?
  4. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    No its sold, kinda... lol! A member has taken it but is undecided, if he dosnt want it i will let you know.
  5. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    WIDE BODY KIT IS SOLD - [Pending Payment]


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