Tension rod

Discussion in 'Technical' started by fish, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. fish

    fish N/A 1990

    Hi every one hope santa was good to you all. Guys i need some advice on tension rods my rubbers on mine are cracked, so i was looking at not buying new rubbers but buying the complete new tension arm, one of the ones that are plastered all over ebay but which one do i get, and is this the best way to go. Also what type of price can i be expected to pay. Hope some one can help cheers Fish
  2. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    try sending Egg a PM, thats where I got mine from

    He should also be able to help if he doesnt have any in stock.

    Note that these rods are rose jointed and dont require a bushing.
  3. zedzter

    zedzter New Member

    I was told by a suspension shop in Melbourne, that the rose jointed ones

    were actually illegal, so ther is another thing to take into consideration when buying them. I am not sure of if it is the same in NSW.
  4. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Every non-ADR approved replacement part is illegal.

    That's why they have a disclaimer such as "For Off-road Use Only" printed on the packaging of damn near every non OEM item.

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