Talk about lucky. Finally changed the plugs

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by TIMID, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. TIMID

    TIMID New Member

    on the skyline as the car has had trouble starting lately. Once changed the car started straight away. So i then needed to check the fuel tank cause for a week now I have been smelling feul now and then and have been seeing some petrol on the garage floor when reversing out of the garage. So I jaked her up and saw the leak from one of the hoses coming out of the tank. I wiped it back to see if it was bad, just looked like dripping really. I then started here up and had a look again while the car was running. The fuel was spraying from the hose all over the underbody and across the exhaust. I thought F*&k. Not sure if me moving the hose made it worse but I've been driving around for a week and if it was like that, the tank could have ignited. I thought bloody hell am I lucky. So NRMA will tow it in the moring to get fixed, cause it's not going to be driven like that. Once lucky, twice i don't think so.Am happy about the car starting straight away though:D

    UNIQUE ZED Zed Racing World


    Skyline or Zed? Or do you have an each way bet?
  3. TIMID

    TIMID New Member

    YES skyline. Have 2 cars. Had since school. (n/m)


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