Lou,thanks for organizing todays cruise to the central coast to go gliding . . . and what a glorous day it was.Some interesting thinks for the day: - two poor new members arrived at Maccers for the cruise, but "we" forgot them :-0 - while cruising in formation down the highway a brand new black 350Z cruised past down the line, IMHO z32s look better in motion (350z is it an Audi TT ???) - sometime when its a 70km zone it is bets to stick to the speed limit, unless you have a row of zeds travelling half-a-k behind ... no where for Mr Highway-Patrol to turn a round an overtake 12 zeds
How good was that Top cruise Louise. Gotta love that bungy cord that fires you up in the sky, I thought that we would have been towed up by a small plane. It was that good i had two goes. Bummer about Michael (mr zee) and his bro didnt know you were missing as we were pretty strung out. Steven thanks for hooking up the Conzult for us to try nice bit of gear. When are we going again. cheers Ron
Serious apology to Michael, his young son> and to his brother, who were not seen to be missing until we had negotiated all the crap traffic between Thornleigh and Mt.Colah. No-one could find a Mobile Ph. No. for you Mike, and despite driving quite slowly, we just didn't have the pleasure of you "catching-up" to us. Don't know what to say to you guys, except that we ALL felt pretty bad about this and will try and make it up to you next time, if you give us another chance.The big message for all members on future Cruises is: GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO WHOEVER IS ORGANIZING THE RUN SO THAT THIS CAN'T HAPPEN AGAIN.:-0 :-0 :-0 A BIG sorry to your youngster, and tell him we will be going back again soon, if the general opinions of the other members is anything to go by.Take care guys Lloyd & Lynn
how about we make it up with mini techday at .... Chili's house next weekend =) I will even bring my Conzult
Great idea Steven, perhaps we can> also play "Pin the Tail on the Lipke"! A few words of regret, regarding the events of today, may have been more appropriate, EEHAW! EEHAW! Cheers Lloyd =) =) =)
Thanks Lou, great day... Lloyd's correct, feel terrible about leaving the two Black Zed's behind - shows how perceptive I am - I didn't even realise till we were at Mangrove Mountain. A look through the parked Zed's revealed no black ones!!! - yet I was parked next to two at the Macca's meeting point! :| I hope they can forgive us... Aside from that excellent day , some very memorable bits:* Charmaine's scream upon take-off in the Glider :-0 (mind you, she was all lined up to have another go there after.. )* Lloyd's re-position to the rear seat of the glider - Lloyd just has to dive everything! And funniest quote of the day (Lloyd): "I had trouble with my school-boy English..." :-0 Cheers, Ant and Sarah...
Apology accepted.......I'm glad you guys.... had a good time....We made the most of that glorious spring like day just cruising with the T Tops off Oh..Loyd, my son just loves your Zed =)