
Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by l0stwhite, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. l0stwhite

    l0stwhite [L0rds]

    sooooooo car got stolen when i holidayed to adelaide and smashed into a poll........ ummm got it back ass end pritty bad have not looked at it yet tooo pised off......

    sorry for lame message but sucks ass when your prided and joy get jaked buy
  2. hukie90

    hukie90 300TTorrr?

    dammit man, sorry to hear about that. insurance taking care of it? GL

  3. kbro3

    kbro3 Baby oil technician.

    Shit dude, i'm so so sorry to hear that.. i know I was bugging you to get your Tommy stuff, and we had a joke about it, but this is seriously fkd up. If the damage is bad, and the car is insured, i'd be keeping quiet about it, so they don't write it off..

    Hope it all gets sorted for you, if not, pm me some prices..



    Bretto came down to c me nd nick nd while he was here we had to chase up issues with the police to get mine back then when he gets home the cops give him a smashed up 300zx back saying it was stolen :(
    Just not going good at all.

    Sorry to hear bro you know I got the wreked NA just hit us up for anything you need :)

    IF its that fkd get a new one like you said and build it up to be even better than this one :)
  5. l0stwhite

    l0stwhite [L0rds]

    i am a app mechnice so i cant aford any more then 3 party also under 21 so big dollars ...... but THEY COULD NOT KILL THE MOTOR OR TURBOS HAHAHAHH


    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    Man that sucks so bad, i cant imagine how you are feeling right now :mad: I hope the cops get fingerprints and catch the pricks, not for the law cause that'll do bugger all - but so you find out who they are and can get vengeance on these cockless assmonkeys with a sledgehammer!! :bash: im sure other aus300zx members would be willing to fly up to help deliver this justice!

    Zed ownership can be difficult enough for a young person with limited funds with maintenence and repairs, let alone having to worry about this sort of bull$hit. I feel for you mate i really do... :(
  7. aazn

    aazn New Member

    did u get fire and thieft?
  8. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear man, that really sux. how did it happen, like where was the car left???? and did it have an alarm etc???
  9. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Such a shame.
    It's bad enough that these bastards just take what's not theirs, but why can't they just leave it by the side of the road when they are done, why do they have to burn it or crash it!!

    I'm so glad I can disable my Z remotely, or set up perimeters so it can automatically disables itself if it goes outside of pre-set geo-fences.
  10. kbro3

    kbro3 Baby oil technician.

    That's awesome, i'd love to teach these little c*nts a lesson one day!

    "wooho, we're so sik, we stole a zed!"
    "why is the zed accelerating by itself?!!"
    "why are the brakes not responding and the doors not opening?!!"
    "why are we flying at 300ks towards the highly explosive gas tank warehouse?!"

    Muahah, imagine these kind of hi-tech security systems!

  11. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    yea pretty 3rd party fire and theft should hav taken care of this?
  12. aazn

    aazn New Member

    thats if u payed extra for it.. i think it was 50 bux..
  13. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    or one that keeps driving its self safely, doing controlled speeding maneuvers, enough to get cought by the popo, then when it realises its been cought, the car pulls over, with passengers still locked in car, gives a message to the cops saying its stolen, then puts the guys out of the car...

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