Spoilers hollow?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by JAMEZX, Sep 20, 2007.


    JAMEZX New Member

    Hey there,
    Just a bit of a stupid question but I was wondering whether the spoilers are hollow
    I ask this as I notice everytime I open my boot i hear what sounds like water inside it
    If they are infact hollow, does anyone know how to drain it? lol
    For people that dont know, heres what my spoiler looks like


  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    if its FG more then likely yes they are hollow
  3. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

    i say crack it open:p ......i would assume most wouldnt be hollow........werid if they were...
  4. mhoff25

    mhoff25 Member

    1. yes they are hollow

    2. make drain holes ;)

    3. nice spoiler u got there
  5. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    My Veilside C1 spoiler is hollow, most would be, or your hatch wouldn't stay up due to the weight when you open it.
  6. mhoff25

    mhoff25 Member

    i didnt notice you have veilside c1 kit before

    the c1 kit is by far my favourite Z kit

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