Some Z32's tuff front ends

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ZOE NZX300, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. ZOE NZX300

    ZOE NZX300 zoe nzx300

  2. scump

    scump John Dorian

    i like the 1st one the best.

    i dont know if i like the GT-4 style scoop on the 300... doesn't look right.

    wearing a plate make it look so weird tho..
  3. Zealous

    Zealous Ex - Zedder

    Are these pics from a cruise?

    a couple in there look familiar...:cool:

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Is the 1st pic just a 99' front with the driving lights area filled, and then sides filled? And then licence plate shaved?

    If so, congrats to whoever's car that is. Very sleek and beautiful. Possible the best integration of a front bar I have seen.

  5. ZOE NZX300

    ZOE NZX300 zoe nzx300


    was a wollongong south coast cruise
  6. maTTz

    maTTz 500 Club

    i think the yellow one looks toughest

    but there should be a few unique ones popping up on the west coast in the next couple of months... ;-)

  7. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey


    i like the scoop, very nice, the nose pannel isnt quite my style. very tough, and that front bar is pretty cool, is it custom
  8. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator



    :zlove: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  9. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    At a guess

    I'd say,
    ?, Z-ster, Tokyo Geoff, ZOE NZX300, Zediknight, Wizard, OZZ300,XtremeZX, Caz1.
  10. xpenZive

    xpenZive Car nearly all gone :-)

    The yellow one kicks arse. Good post, gives people some ideas. :)

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    This may sound wierd

    I met that guy at a car wash the day before that cruise. His car us immaculate... Thats a 2000 style front bar with the driving light area filled.

    He was looking at some pretty Awsome rims when i met him.. Who knows he might have them installed... Think he was going 22" rears and 20" front..

    Awsome stuff.

  12. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    What front bar is on the 2nd yellow Z?

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Wings West I believe.

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    Nope... Thats an original 2000 Urethane front bar..

    Thats Z-sters.

  15. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    The SECOND yellow one is wings west
  16. Spinzzx

    Spinzzx spinzzx


    All very niiiccee, god I luv the Zeds :zlove: :zlove:

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