Some people need to be shot

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Evil Tye, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Evil Tye

    Evil Tye New Member

    Well I was in Camperdown for New Years and when I got up and went out to the car some fu*#ing loser had dented my car with some big rocks,
  2. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?! :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    i hate idiots who mindlessly try to wreck someone else pride and joy
  3. Pillo

    Pillo New Member

    obv VL drivers
  4. Nigel300

    Nigel300 New Member

    Thats just sickening

    I know the feeling, sorry dude.
  5. rollin

    rollin First 9

    I feel your pain man, my bonnet is in the process of being repaired because of an almost identical attack.

    What is the country coming to.....
  6. smifT

    smifT smifT

    Sorry to see that crap mate, hope you insurance covers it :mad:

    would love to meet the person(s) responsible with a crowbar, heh
  7. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    sorry to see dude ,

    makes me wonder what sort of world we live in when you can even leave your car out of your sight for a short time . sheez .


    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    Sorry to hear mate!

    Feel you pain had something similar dont to my Celica. Jealous dogs!!!!

  9. bigmax

    bigmax Member

    lesson grass hopper

    anyone who does that to a fine automobile has no respect. and is a jealous bastard ,who most likely drives a shit heap. lesson grass hopper dont leave your car out of your sight, or park it in a area that is out there, for dick heads to be attracted to it. i dont its a pity but thats the way it is. regard bigmax.:cool: :bash: :mad: :bash: :bash:
  10. hpcoolahan

    hpcoolahan back to boost ...yay

    Um crowbar ,,, or a SHOTGUN .

    Sorry to hear mate , there are to many idiots out there today.

    Good Luck ,
  11. ugame

    ugame user #1

    sorry to see man. This time of year seems to bring out the worst in some people too
  12. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    You just park your car on the street like that? If so no wonder, especially around new years when lots of ppl are out...
  13. Evil Tye

    Evil Tye New Member

    Yer it was but its Camperdown population of about 1000 and the only reason it was out there is because the driveway was too steap to drive up, if it was at my house it would of been in the shed.
  14. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Yeah that sucks, I think most of us here know about the dramas caused by too steep driveways... I never park my Z in the street though, I'll go home before I do that! lol
  15. RENZED

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

    I know Camperdown..I had my last nursing placement at Terang/Mortlake and stayed at Noorat..and yeah, it's sad a small town even has idiots..

    I wish someone could invent a camera that you could leave in your car that focuses on suspicious looking people and catches all the bullshit they do..
  16. Martin

    Martin New Member

    find them and dent their face with the same rocks :mad: :bash:
  17. 23BIGA

    23BIGA Still CruZin' +Parts4Sale

    Martin your spot on there...
    Sorry to here. Not the way to start the new year, spending $ on the Z in panel & paint.:mad:
  18. Evil Tye

    Evil Tye New Member

    Thats the first thing I thought of but the Police took all the rocks, there was about 5-6 rocks laying around the car but only dents on the bonnet!
  19. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    I'll lend ya some :D

    major pithorf hey mate....
    Colac car & custom show next week, take the car anyhow to remind others that there are a lot of retards out there

    Its a real asshat act to pull on anyones car but NY seems to bring out the interlectual pigmys.....
    Mate had his hilux scratched up on NY's eve, all on the passengers side and done probably with a blade screwdriver. The entire length of the rig was scratched up and they've pushed hard enough in some spots to expose the steel and in two spots have actually dented the panels.

    The hilux was in an open carport...... well lit and with additional sensor lights fitted ..... and under view of a security camera..... unfortunately the camera doesnt pick up the passengers side. His employer is now upgrading the cameras so a full coverage is posiable.
    Attacks at his workplace were fairly common up untill the camera went in about 3 months back.
    Looks as if the attacker has found a way around the security............... for now !

    Its that feeling you get after a payback

  20. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    sympathise with you mate - only two weekends ago i went out for beers with some mates at a place just up the road. i parked in a carpark just round the corner intending to leave my car there for the night. before we left the pub to get a taxi, i went and got some stuff out of my car, in the carpark were kids smashing bottles around on walls and stuff, hadn't seen anything happen to the cars that were there, but i thought bugger it, i'm driving this thing out of here.

    lucky i'm only up the road, and if i had been over the limit, it couldn't have been much if at all.

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