Social reject keyed my baby (big pics)

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by vbevan, May 18, 2009.

  1. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    So I was out in Subiaco doing Zouk (go Brazilian dancing :D) when I come back to find some jealous piece of crap has run a key or coin over the bonnet and all the way down the side. I mean, Subiaco of all places, meant to be only yuppies in that area.

    Even worse I only had the brazlian and respray done about 2 weeks ago. So I had a perfect car and paint for 2 weeks :(

    I swear would have been worth it to catch them doing it :mad2: Now I guess I have to try touch-up paint or another respray, as it won't look the same with a touch up. This really sucks. Maybe paintless dent removal or something.


  2. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Sorry to hear and see.... hope someone saw it...maybe???
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    geez vaughan i feel for many panels got done, bonnet, drivers door , gaurd and rear quarter panel in picks? any others.......???

    to be honest id probly just key all the rest of the panels so they were unrepairable, and claim a full respray on my insurance company lol!!!
  4. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Bonnet, front quarter, door and rear quarter. So half the car basically.

    I'm really considering getting the respray done and your idea piques my interest ;) Just need to get comprehensive insurance now :D

    Feeling a little happier.
  5. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    pricks,sorry to hear voooooooooooooorn :(:(,but at least you can paint it black now lol :p:zlove:
  6. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    mate thats horrible.

    time 2 get a daily 2 leave on the street .

    its a sad time when your car gets vandalized for no reason.. fair enough if u stole someones missus or something..

    that sucks mate
  7. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    hey man the one on the bonnet doesnt really look like its gone through the paint ????

    do u have a closer pic of it???

    you may be able to polish this outtt
  8. TordeK

    TordeK Member

    man thats horrible! :(

    *runs outside and hugs yellow baby*

    i'd be furious if someone did that to my car.... my condolences mate.
  9. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    Oh nshit

    Sorry to hear mate, pricks like that need to be tied up and sliced all over the body with a serated edge knife, just so they can see how it feels, Or just for fun, you choose.
    I have some idea how you feel because the wifes Focus was done at the hospital one nite. :(
  10. R31 Gagz

    R31 Gagz Harden the F#%K up!!

    Thats an extremely low act, if I found someone doing that to the GTR they would have to book themselves into emergency after I was done with them :mad:

    Good luck with the respray, hope it all works out for the better.


  11. TQE-756

    TQE-756 Active Member

    F*&^kn arseholes...
    Hey maybe canvas the surrounding shops or RTA maybe there's a camera out there somewhere that caught them in the act.!!
    That'd definitely be criminal damage at least.
  12. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    That is a crime. I feel sorry for you. Happened to me before with a different car. Not a good idea to park open in the city at all. Even some d**k**d doesn't open door in parking lot so that door doesn't hit next car. I have seen lots of zealous eyes around the city while driving which isn't good.
  13. RENZED

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

    What the hell is the world coming too!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:...
    I'm so SERIOUSLY pissed off for you!!...this is just bullshit!
    People like this who are caught should be sent to jail and I don't care if there only a child.. juvenile jail for them too!!!

    This is just BULLSHIT!!! :mad::mad::mad:
  14. clint_embrey

    clint_embrey New Member

    sry to see her scratched up. death by sodomization with a rusty pole would be a fitting punishment

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