so, so sunburnt

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Mayhem, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. Mayhem

    Mayhem New Member

    I dont know if i was the only one but i got so sunburnt on that trip i spent the next few days feeling very sorry for myself. While the whole targa off, looking cool in the sun thing was fun, i REALLY paid for it, hope most of the rest of you made it out not too crispy fried. Fantasitc day though, gotta love the national park :thumbsup:
  2. Oni

    Oni Active Member

    Yep you just gotta know that when you start to glow

    before the sun goes down it's going to hurt! Next time wear a hat but not on backwards like some did. We know who you are ;)

    It was a great day apart from the sunburn seen on several Zedders from west of the caucus (sp?) mountains!

    Cheers and DON'T SELL YA ZED FOR A HOUSE :angry:
  3. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    I got that glow as well, can't tell if it's sunburn or alcoholism residue.

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