seat belt help

Discussion in 'Technical' started by SPOOLE300ZX, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. SPOOLE300ZX

    SPOOLE300ZX New Member

    hi guys,

    the seat belts in my zed are the ones that attach to the top of the doors (2 seater import). the seat belts work but only when the car is going down hill. there stuck and dont move unless the car is on a bit of a tilt.
    iv taken them off and they seem to work perfect but as soon as i bolt them back up and put the door trim back on they get stuck:confused::confused:
    they have always done this. any solutions???
  2. ichizora

    ichizora Loud

    Yeah these are designed to lock when they're not in an upright position. There's an angle for it where it will release the belt... try unbolting your assembly then adjusting it closer to 90° upright angle.
    SPOOLE300ZX likes this.
  3. SPOOLE300ZX

    SPOOLE300ZX New Member

    ill give it a go. thanks
  4. 71gsy

    71gsy New Member

    Remove the ball bearings :p. Then they won't lock at all.
  5. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    He's joking. If you do that the belts won't lock in an accident and you won't be restrained.
  6. Brock32

    Brock32 Active Member

    This is a really stupid comment. Even though you are joking(hopefully) it might not come across like you intend.
  7. Instamatic

    Instamatic Active Member

    I'm guessing a bit here, but have you got the left and right belts swapped over? That might solve your problem.
  8. ichizora

    ichizora Loud

    could be this too...
    My current one locked up when I tried to put it on when I was parked on a nice slope. It shat itself and ever since it doesn't retract fully. Need to find some time to pick up a new seatbelt...
  9. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    Some belts have an adjuster inside that you can turn to get it to work when the car is horizontal. I cannot put the belts on in Silver if there is the slightest uphill.
  10. Bob Lloyd-Jones

    Bob Lloyd-Jones Oldreverbob

    I have trouble with my seat belts as they lockup if i am not on level ground ,it is a real pain in the butt as you cannot pull them out across your body to click into place.

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