Said goodbye to bomex front bar

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by rovlive, May 7, 2012.

  1. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    Anyone know where I can find the front side indicators for these?
    looked on ebay and concept z etc still no luck so far.

  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Indicators for the failside? I think they are designed to use SW20 MR2 indicators.
  3. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    OMG :eek:

  4. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

  5. Roadeater

    Roadeater Warrior of the Wasteland

  6. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

  7. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    short answer is there are not indicators designed for the C2 front bar.

    and those look like shit too...

    I used some cheap running lights/ indicator likes and installed them well inside the pod so when it blinked it actually lit up a fair amount being shaddowed but when it was off it sunk away.
  8. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    Your opinion and how much i give a shit :rofl:

    I like those that that's all it matters
  9. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    Of course 2 years of having a C2 bar and owning every style of indicator possible must be classed as uneducated.

    But sure go for it, bolt in a light thats designed for another car and clearly looks like it doesnt fit or belong.
  10. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    oh u were talking about the indicators my bad :p

    I thought u were taking about the C2 bar [TIS]

    I am still looking for the indicators will have to see which one will

    1. fit
    2. looks good
    3. May be I will just custom build an LED one
  11. kakaboy

    kakaboy New Member

    Can I have your Bomex :D
  12. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    180sx front indicators will also fit.
  13. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    u are too late mate :p

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