Running higher Boost

Discussion in 'Technical' started by luis, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. luis

    luis New Member

    I have recently had a tune done on 14psi, If I was to raise my boost 1 or 2 psi to say 16psi, would I need to get the ecu re-tuned or would it be safe to run as is without the need for a re-tune?
  2. akeizm

    akeizm New Member

    It would all depend on how the car was tuned @ 14psi. But I would play it on the safe side and get the car on the dyno and then crank it to 16psi to see what the AF ratios are like.
  3. luis

    luis New Member

    Is there any other way to check the AF ratios rather than going on the dyno? Maybe conzult?
  4. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...


    Get wide band o2 sensors connected to your exhaust and the appropriate guages to measure the AFR's. - would be cheaper and quicker to just pay for half an hour dyno time and do it properly.
  5. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    conzult will monitor the standard narrow band o2's which will just show as RICH (which could be anything below 14.7:1). You'd need a wideband O2 installed so that you can accurately monitor AFR's but it's probably cheaper to just do it on the dyno.

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