Respray ( any zed spray painters on here )

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by jer300zx, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. aazn

    aazn New Member

    paint is expensive when you want quality stuff...

    but yes paint you can buy for about $100/l and about 80/l for clear.. but it goes up much more if you want "premium" stuff.

    PPG paint is about $130/l and thats OEM grade.

    take what you want from this thread.. but end of the day go into a store and ask for quotes for buying the paint, then go to workshops and ask how much for the whole job.

    compressor, for one that will spray clean and hold enough pressure (big tank/pump) to give you even coats of paint when spraying.. budget $500+

    a spray gun that will give you nice coats with a even fan.. budget $300+

    so assuming alll this. and we are doing a outside only respray and you have access to a compressor to borrow

    paint (4 litres) - $500
    clear (5 litres) - $400
    gun - $300
    sand paper - $20
    bog - $40
    primer - $150
    other - $100 (includes guide coat, tape, etc)

    total just about $1500 and thats you doing all the work...

    and if you screw it up.. add more to that price again.. also if you havent painted before.. have fun..

    a paint shop will charge you about $2k-10k depending how fussy you are and where you go.. there are many panel shops doing full resprays on the cheap..but if you pay 2k dont expect a 10k job. you will have dust spots, dull spots and maybe a few runs... but for 2k.. you can get that thing repaninted 3 times before it becomes more expensive than a expensive job...

    like i said take what you want from this thread as there is alot of information on all aspects of this thread.

    saying that though.. i have just prepped a s14 for paint and it cost us $300 in materials (primer, paper, bog, etc) to get it ready for paint, all the car needs now is to be sanded down once more then into the spray booth it goes, i cant paint so im not even going to try... find a booth for hire, find a painter friend who works for beer/a reasonable hourly rate (not $150 an hour like most painters) i find using a 3/4th year apprentice is good as they have resprayed a few cars in the 3 years they been in a shop to give you a "decent" job.

    i hope this helped you a little.

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