respray and new interior

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by lc white z, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. lc white z

    lc white z New Member

    had a look at a zed today and the paint (red) was looking abit worse for wear. so i was wondering how much it is approx to get a full respray, it will be red paint over red paint if that helps at all.

    Also the seats are looking abit worn so i was wondering how much it would be for whole leather trim (its a 4seater aus spec).

  2. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lots and lots of threads on this

    a respray will cost you what your willing to pay...the more you pay usually the better the quality...for a good respray it would set you back about 6k+

    a re trim for the whole interior would set you back maybe 2-3k for an awesome job...just for the seats maybe 1.5k
  3. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

    depends if you want to get your engine bay done.......probably like 3k for a good job.....interior....well for the interior there is many varibles....leather, cloth it only the seats..front or back...etc.....

    just front seats in leather would be like cloth maybe 600-800..:confused:
  4. lc white z

    lc white z New Member

    probably not the engine bay... its being painted red over red so it shouldn't really be an issue. Most of the car is still good its just the back really.
  5. 23BIGA

    23BIGA Still CruZin' +Parts4Sale

  6. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Are some colours cheaper than others?


    My 2seater has retrimmed leather seats worth about 2k but is what I rekon will look cool if I/you get some recardo's and get them retrimmed in leather. All depends on budget man.

    FLEMING Dave

    my new interior set me back $150 and couple of man hours :)

    and its coming along quite nicely :)
  9. leighroyz

    leighroyz Member

    Yes, There are different group codes for different paints and colours, a flat red is much cheaper than a blue metallic for example:thumbup: Even different colours in the same style vary, get onto ppg or a good spray painter and they'll let you know the speel

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