re-wiring injectors

Discussion in 'Technical' started by fish, May 14, 2006.

  1. fish

    fish N/A 1990

    Hi zeders look could some one help me please, i have just bought new injector connectoins, the wiring from these are oppisite to the one on car, meaning the red thicker wire and geen thinner wire are oppisite. Do i just make sure the thicker wires go together, and thinner wire go together or is it not that simple cheers Fish
  2. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    re-wiring injectors

    Yes the wireing is oppisite on some off the newer injector connectors, or thick to thin like you say, and that would be because the connectors came from a different car, a pulsar i think.
  3. Baron

    Baron Active Member

    Not polarity sensitive. Can go either way. Just hookup and enjoy
  4. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Not polarity sensitive.

    Are you sure about that Baron? Im sure a member here
    said they were! I have connected mine the same as nissan had them, the newer connectors connect thick wire to thin wire, that would be because the connectors
    from coz and others,are not genuine 300zx.
  5. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Baron is right, the injector is nothing but a high speed solenoid

    which is not polarity sensitive...:thumbsup:

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